ZF Run of 10/20


New Member
ZG Run of 10/20

Well we went after the usual suspects and the notorious Tiger got away again.

First off the Snake. Great times were had. We came up to his house and got stomped when we knocked on the door. We decided to try an new technique supplied by our wonderful little dead gnome Samage. "Why don't we just AoE all these snakes at the door", he said. Sure why not. Now we know, you just don't do that. But besides for that one little interruption we one shotted the Snake with no deaths.

Next was the Spider. Not much to say except we had a decent amount of clothies die getting to him cause we still have a minor issue of aggro control but I am not concerned with that, especially since I died a few times getting to her. We one shotted her with no deaths again. :)

Our final successful take down was the Bloodlord. There is good news and bad news here. Bad news first so the good tastes better in the end. Bad news, Esua 3 shotted his little friend at the base of the pyramid. Casters must learn to follow the boss just out side of cleave range and hunters need to be at minimum shot range. This should allow them to get the aggro when he charges and allow for a shorter return to the tank. Clothies must follow the bloodlord around. He will not remain in one spot no matter how hard we try. Now for some good news. We one shotted him also, he never leveled up and we only had about 3 deaths. Great job to everyone.

Lastly the Tiger. We did good with him I believe. We just were off on our timing. We would just couldn't get all three down in the necessary time. We had to reset about four or five times do to this. When we did finally get all three down we had lost 3 people to time restraints; Bizmuth, Rengeof and Tassio. We replaced them but I think the short term magic of a raid running for over two hours together was broken. We just couldn't get the Tiger down.

I would like to thank everyone that attended whether it was just for a few minutes or all the way through. It was a good run with only a few things we need to tweak to make it better. The loot list below.

Snake: Primal Hakkari Bindings (Samage), Zulian Stone Axe (Rengeof) and Zulian Scepter of Rites (Neirai)

Spider: Primal Hakkari Tabard (Grymorgan), Bloodstained Greaves (Bizmuth) and Zulian Headdress (Shebaely for sharding)

Bloodlord: Primal Hakkari Sash (Angusog), Zanzil's Seal (Lynus) and Hakkari Loa Cloak (Laess)

We picked up one Bloodscythe this time around and Ambryana won it.
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Congrats everyone! We'll get the tiger pawed out here before long.

My question is.... who won the idol?
Had a fantastic time:D

One question though: On the Tiger boss, when we finally got him to turn into the Tiger Avatar, two tigers would randomly spawn. We were under direction to sheep them and continue focus on the boss. Everything I read says that while they should be sheeped, they should also be killed ASAP by everyone but the two tanks and then focus switched back to the boss. You guys have more time there than I do by far so I was wondering if that strat did not work or if we had ever tried it. Also, something about keeping him up by the cages to prevent the massive knockback.

Just my observations, I by no means know what I am doing there yet.

I have read both ways of dealing with the tiger spawns. Only issue I see with killing the tigers quickly is the fact that it takes DPS away from the person that spawns the tigers. Quicker we kill the Tiger the less spawns we will have to deal with.

I will admit we do need to adjust our tactics, but until we can get to phase two more often it will be difficult.
Yes, we need to keep at this guy until he goes down. I think we are close to getting the first phase down pat. We have to be careful to not bring Lor'Khan down too fast. On two attempts last night we killed him too soon and he was res'd. The key is going to be getting a good strategy for phase 2. Part of the difficulty with strategizing is that the raid makeup shifts each week and that can make all the difference in the strategy.
The raid makeup should not be shifting as much as it has in the past. Also I believe I will be either using 1 rogue and one imp shield bash warrior or 2 rogues to keep him quiet from now on. 2 rogues and a warrior is doing to much damage.