ZF - Oct 22


New Member
Hoping to do a ZF run on Sunday (Oct 22nd) probably around 7pm (server time). So far its just my brother (Topa - Warlock) & I (Baraach - Warrior), so if a healer & some others would like to come out, we'd love to have you. Not sure how to do signups or anything like that, so lets just show up, and hope nobody gets left out. Preferably no one too high in lvl, we're 46 & 47.... & I don't like getting 'walked through' Instances. So maybe nothing higher than like a 52ish?? I don't know.

Anyway, we'll try to be online by 6-6:30 to get things organized.


Oh, and maybe post to this thread if you wanna come, that might work better.
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So glad to see ya jumping in here. Thought I would help you with one thing. You can set up runs in Group Calendar in game also. We all seem to check the group calendar alot and that is what we are using for all the end game guild runs. How do you get this, you ask.....

You can download Adam's super dee duper mod pack here.. http://www.cgalliance.org/forums/showthread.php?t=17809

Or you can go look up Group Calendar from curse-gaming.

It's super easy to use and does not slow down any game play. And posting both there and here gets more people to notice :D .
Thanks for the tips Shuranda, I'll have to get that figured out.

And Rob, we'll see if we can wait for you :)
Ok, it is now posted on the Group Calendar as well. Do you know if people can sign up using that, or is it just to post information & times for events?

By clicking on the calander, and then the event you are interested in, you are able to 'subscribe' to that event. You can even see who has signed up by clicking one of the tabs at the bottom of the event window.
Well, that was an interesting run. The only person who had run it before was the 5th that we picked up from Tanaris to fill out the group. We wiped several times due to simple innexperience or mistakes, the most notable of which was myself talking to Seargant Bly after the fight on the stairs (when half our group was dead), and starting the next fight way to early. That kind of ended things for the night, as it was getting late.

In attendance were Thull (Mage), Topa (Warlock), Aevesta (Priest), Myself (Warrior-MT), and Jabralter (Warrior-OT), who we picked up just before entering. 3 blue drops, including Sang-thraze the deflector, which I got by default, just because no one else wanted it.

Lisa got Zum-rah's Vexing Cane, which made her very happy, and Mike got the Bad Moho mask by default because Jonathan was too far away to roll for it (this was after the last wipe) and the instance had respawned.

Hopefully we've learned lots for next time, and it will go quicker. Thanks again to all who came out, and It really was a lot of fun. Also, thanks to Lisa's husband for pinch healing :).