You know when you played Guild Wars too much when...

dont worry Lazarus, denile is the first step in getting over it. Now u just need to past step 1 and get onto step 2!
lawl... i totally meant "him" not "you" but... yeah... imma go with the denial thing.... it is ok Lazey... (can i call you lazy?.... well you don't have much choice).... just get past the denial and we can start the healing process.
YES YES, we know ur on step 1. You dont have to remind us, now just get over urself and on to step 2.
haha. lazy, dont' worry about it... we understand that you will be in denial all your life... you'll never escape... sorry. it is ok though.
I guess I'll just go take a leap off that cliff over there... thanks alot for the support, guys...

*does a swan dive into the air*
Technically, I had a focus item last year: I carried a bamboo and fabric fan, and fans are a mesmer focus item. But I didn't carry a weapon.

I have two costumes planned:
Mesmer one day, ren fest costume another. Because I already have both. :) I just need a new skirt. If pressed, I can do a dance costume again, but honestly THAT one attracted too much attention last year...

I could see that.....

Just the idea that MAYBE someone in the chat channel is female draws a lot of attention, Not hard to believe how some guys might react when they actually see one.

But anywho....sounds cool. Wish I was going
I could see that.....

Just the idea that MAYBE someone in the chat channel is female draws a lot of attention, Not hard to believe how some guys might react when they actually see one.

But anywho....sounds cool. Wish I was going
LOL Yes, there have been...incidents. People I PUG with always figure out I really AM female pretty quickly.

And you're right: it IS cool. I think I'm going to Dragon*Con AND Anime Weekend Atlanta this year; Craft Wonderland will probably be vending in the artist's room at AWA.
I need to volunteer for the Fullmetal Alchemist TCG again, if you go to help at an expo, they pay for your ticket and boarding as well as some food...not a baddeal..
I need to volunteer for the Fullmetal Alchemist TCG again, if you go to help at an expo, they pay for your ticket and boarding as well as some food...not a baddeal..
My husband did demos for one of the TCG/CCG companies about eight years ago; two days free admission to the con and free product. No food or boarding, but still...

Of course, I ended up getting in for free, too, but that was a different matter...
Don't worry about that, MM... /random insult

Pale? Sweaty?

*points to self*
That would be me after playing GW all night, actually.