wow and the worst in me


New Member
so appearently wow changed yesterday.

i was in 3 random normal dungeon group.
and the tanks were all dropping like bombs and i go oom even on trash fights.
i had to spam g-heal to keep them up (which is a last resort for disc priests)
my lowest gear is i333 and have a few i340's

i have been healing normal dungeon for a week or so and never had issues like this.

icthus did give me some good pointers.
and i will make apporiate changes.

so healing is hard and seems like it's getting harder
that's not my point.

what happened was i was voted out of a group.
after i spammed g-heal on the tank i had to let a dps drop to low health

the common rule will be, though dps, learn to live; but noooo they kicked me.
o well no biggie... that's a pug, right? i wish i can say that but the truth is, it did bother me. a lot.

what i am bothered with is what i felt afterwards.
i didn't feel good about it at all.
anger, frustration...
and seems like wow is bringing out the worst in me... again.

i mean i see enough of finger pointing in real life i don't need more in a game.

may be i should just stick with guild runs....
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Quite simply, if you have properly itemized gear and it is as high as an itemlevel as you say it is, then you shouldn't have any problems.

Note how I said you? Yeah. The tank? If he was dropping like a rock in HP's like you said, it isn't your fault. It's his fault for either having terrible gear or not knowing how to play his class.

The DPS? They will take damage from some unavoidable sources, but if the DPS aren't learning the idea that green stuff on the floor is bad, then they should be dying, and they shouldn't be pointing fingers at you, especially when the tank is taking insane amounts of damage.

I've personally played as both a healer and a tank, so I can see both sides and am siding with you. Sounds like you got a bad tank with a bunch of bandwagon /votekick DPS.

Randoms are a stupid wildcard. I got votekicked twice yesterday; once on the second trash pull in SFK (You tell me.) and again in Grim Batol for dying on the second boss when he pulled out his mace and got one shotted ( Note that I was running away. Also, the healer was keeping me at 30% for some reason - probably because he was OOM when the boss was at 50%. Also note that one DPS was doing 4k, another 5k, another 6k. Very low. ) Not my fault at all, but people are stupid.
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You are not alone in your frustrations

(This is not made up)

I got so frustrated yesterday I went to a high mountaintop and howled on my worgen druid at the sky (love the /roar of the Worgen).

I laughed a little at my stupidity but pugs are frustrating - I wait in a Q for 45 minutes, only to be either kicked, or the group falls apart, and I just spent 45 minutes waiting for that, followed by an hour of endless wipes.

Not loving dungeons so much atm.

So I'm now leveling my third 80 to 85 (but I actually enjoy leveling).

Just saying I get where you are coming from.
First off you rock Chun! Both in game and out. So please systematically write off w/e some random PUG did to you. They were clueless about how rocking the Priest they were in the presence of was.

2nd is that PuGs often have little patience and rarely take time to put the pieces together and find the real blame, they just react to a wipe in their own (often 14 year old) perceived best interest.

3rd is you rock and are welcome in guild groups always so start one up with a guildie and when the vote goes down you got backup to counter vote them off the island!

4th is you rock and God thinks highly of you so those haters can take that to the face!
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Chun, I feel your pain! I hit 85 before christmas, and took a week off work to gear up! Regular dungeons were tough, but I'm an above average healer, and my item level was 340, so I toughed it out.

Then I started heroics...

4 PUGs in a row, I'd get brought in mid instance (They had already voted numerous healers out of the group), heal a few trash mobs while the group would not CC a single mob, go OOM, have to drink, then BAM! I'm back in SW.

I logged out and took 3 weeks off (Played Minecraft!) and came back this week. Still frustrating, but at least I know it's not just me.
I know this is off topic...but TREE! You play Minecraft!?!!?!?! I thought I was the only one!
I was REALLY frustrated at first but I did like the challenge... I'm at i352 now and healing is going really well for me. The only issues I have are when we do have a bad group and the occasional oops but I don't even notice that as much now, even with PuG's. It seems more and more are starting to figure out the new system.
I logged out and took 3 weeks off (Played Minecraft!) and came back this week. Still frustrating, but at least I know it's not just me.

I know this is off topic...but TREE! You play Minecraft!?!!?!?! I thought I was the only one!

Your WoW discussion will continue after this short commercial break :p ...

Since Minecraft was mentioned I thought I'd ghost in to say Toj has an unofficial Minecraft server if you did not know.

Here is the resident Minecraft thread on the forums.

Here is the site to go to for our Minecraft info.

Before you can build on our server you'll have to get in touch with the chapter leader Xiontawa (you can pm him on these forums) so he can fill you in on the rules and put you on the server whitelist.

Please continue with the regular WoW'ing of yourselves :p :).
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Your WoW discussion will continue after this short commercial break :p ...

Since Minecraft was mentioned I thought I'd ghost in to say Toj has an unofficial Minecraft server if you did not know.

Here is the resident Minecraft thread on the forums.

Here is the site to go to for our Minecraft info.

Before you can build on our server you'll have to get in touch with the chapter leader Xiontawa (you can pm him on these forums) so he can fill you in on the rules and put you on the server whitelist.

Please continue with the regular WoW'ing of yourselves :p :).

Thanks! I'll look into it!
Chun, I really love that you started this thread. IMO, just the fact that you've capable of self-reflection enough to make the points that you do means that I'm not too worried about the health of your soul.

I am bummed on your behalf that the game hasn't been fun. This is SUCH a huge WoW-forum topic that you're certainly not alone, but having company doesn't necessarily eliminate misery.

My personal opinion on this goes back to my original Strat pug in Vanilla WoW. I'd never run it. I responded to a "LF1M - Healer" in the LFG channel. Group got together, ran in the back entrance, gate closed in front of me, I didn't know how to open it, the group wiped on the first group of trash because I couldn't get LoS through the game and I was immediately kicked. It was devasting -- I was ashamed and embarassed and didn't do another PuG for probably a year or two.

Other extreme: I did a random (normal) dungeon Saturday night, which turned out to be GB which I'd never done before. Ended up in a group of 3 folks from the same guild on some other server (including the tank, who with one single run was the only person who'd previously done a GB run) and a random DK. I struggled with all the heals, partly becuase i didn't know what I was doing and partly because no one else did either. Everyone messed up at least once, fessed up to it, and people were supportive. We wiped twice and had probably another half-dozen other miscellaneous deaths. The DK turned out to really not have any clue of what to do, which the group grudingly tolerated until we got to the last boss. When the DK asked what why the lock kept on dropping these "healthstone things ... what did they do" that was the last straw, and the 3 guildies kicked him before I even put in my vote. But still, after probably 90 minutes, we finished. It wasn't a great run, but it's the kind of thing that really makes me like pugs ... learning to gel and work with a group of strangers is just cool, imo. I love guild runs for the fellowship, but performance-wise I'm always just drafting off more competent guildies ... with pugs, I feel like I contribute more.

Pugs are the luck of the draw. Certainly you get jerks sometimes. And I don't know if it's possible to not have an emotional reaction to being kicked. It's like getting picked last on the kickball team. It's like losing an election. It's like being rejected for a job, or for a date. Even if, rationally, you know that it wasn't going to work out, or that it really had nothing to do with you, that's your getting scapegoated for someone else's underperformance or that really they were jerks that you'd have wanted that 30 minutes of your life back anyhow ... it hurts. Ah, how WoW imitates life.

Anyhow, with that, I'm happy that the dungeons are harder. I felt WAY more accomplished struggling through a normal GB and getting to the end than I did on any LK heroic where making it through was never really in doubt. I could never win in that game, because the reward was just accumulating stuff and people who always played more would always accumulate more stuff. Now, there's a emotional payoff in just downing a single boss, or even making it to that boss. The expansion will be around for awhile ... I'm sure eventually all the current content will be easily doable some day. If I did it six months after someone else, I'm ok with that. To me, it's better than in LK where every instance was not that far removed from an extended cut-scene that you just click through until it's over.

But Tree getting kicked from heroics while wearing iLvl 340 gear? Twice? It's gonna be at least summertime before I step foot in a heroic...
it does stink, i waited 45 min in a que for one the other day and got kicked after the first 2 pulls, who knows why, nothing much happend.....i just know it was maddening after waiting that long to try to get in a heroic daily.
Sorry that happened to you Chun. :(

Because of idiots like the ones you encountered, I limit myself to guildies and other people I know who will perform on an adequate level.
Terascan, you can't let it bother you really. I see a lot of people sucking, our healing, DPS and even tanks. Not the people really, but the toons and I think people get frustrated and just blame someone. Heals and tanks are easy to blame. Gotta let it go and just stay out there trying. Soon we will be laughing at how how it was at first. =)
One of the fantastic things I've found out about Holy specced priests and DPS classes in heroics:

I can be a jerk and get away with it.
If they ever give me grief about not healing them enough to prevent them from dying during fights, I always reply:

"The Lightwell, DID YOU USE IT?"

Then they shut up. Any DPS smart enough to use a lightwell is smart enough to avoid taking the damage that kills them.

But anyway, for your instance I believe the tank did nothing but stack stamina and expect the healer to keep up with the crazy damage they take (must be a WotLK thing or something), which is something pretty much impossible for a discipline priest to deal with in heroics, and something Tanks are gonna have to realize isn't something you can get away with anymore.
Heya Tera:

Yeah, it doesn't feel good to get kicked out of group, but honestly in a day or 2, u'll forget about it. As you said, it's just a PUG, so it's not a big deal. Yeah, the game did change quite a bit, healers run out of mana pretty fast now.

I'll look for ya when I'm on. U can practice healing on me, maybe we can try a couple Heroics together. :D
I truly HATE random heroic pugs now. You are absolutely at the mercy of blizzard randomness, and unlike WOLK heroics, there is no room to drag anyone through. I actually run recount on dps while I'm healing now, and if everyone is not pulling at least 7k consistently, I'll usually call them out to see whats up, then vote them out, or finally just leave.

I joined a random heroic the other day where the tank had a whopping 130k hps and charged in while we were buffing and drinking, I left immediately and probably wiped them. I don't feel bad, because I realize *I* didn't wipe them, the arrogant idiot tank did, and I have no desire to stress myself out trying to heal a group that I know full well is going to fail no matter what I do.

As for healing, it's tough now. I kinda like it though, because like gilda said it gives me a feeling of accomplishment to finish a heroic, unlike before where I was watching facebook or youtube and occasionally flipping back over to the fight. I've never played disc, so I can't help you there, but as holy I can tell you that switching to inner will over inner fire changed everything, if you're not doing so, please give that a try.

I do wish blizzard would remove dungeon deserter for healers. They should recognize that we're smarter than the pewpews and should be able to /leave when we see a failgroup.