Women as Infantry..


New Member
Only respond if you understand what I am saying completely, if anything I say sounds absurd you are most likely misinterpreting my English....

DO you agree with this Factual Rule of the USA Army.
Women cannot serve as Infanty or front-line soldiers, as they are more prone to worse things then death. NOw some people can say thats sexist, but I belive its protecting them from what they may not understand until it is too late. I belive women have every right to serve in our military, but they can be as just as helpful as a pilot or medic. Now it is true that women are on average more accurate shooters, however they die more easily and arnt physcially constructed for combat as a man. I know a woman could be as succesful a soldier as a man, but in my opinion the risk isnt worth it. The enemy will do much worse to our women then our men and would most likely avoid killing them for these reasons. Some of you may call me sexist for thinking women should be protected, but they do not know the danger until it is too late. So, tell me what you think of these ARMY rules? and how would you feel if they were removed and women were fighting on the front line!?
I think woman should have the choice to choose if they want to fight or not. I think woman know all the risks before they join. And there are girls out there that can run faster than me and lift more than me. Girls arn't as delicate as u think. They can do anything they put their mind to.
I can see where your coming from, there is a higher chance of a girl getting raped walking home at night than on the front line in a war.
Women should have the choice of whether they fight at the front line or not. Sorry, but that IS sexist. True it's been the tradition that only men fight in wars, but times have changed. Women can be just as effective soldiers as men. The best male soldier is probably more effective than the best female soldier, but so long as both sexes can pass the required physical and skill exams, they should both have equal opportunity to serve. What you are doing is taking away that opportunity and making a decision for them, which is not right.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ] What you are doing is taking away that opportunity and making a decision for them, which is not right.

Sometimes what is good for society as a whole is more important that the rights of individuals.
I think women should be no where near combat zones and given Iraq for instance, I don't think women should be there at all. Women can support our initiatives in other ways.

Is it still considered sexist if a woman is saying that they should not be there? hhhhhmmmmm....
Im suprised epople will agree to it. Usually if its something Ima ll for everyone is against! This sint my rule its the set rules already, im just supporting them. And in war worse things then rape happen to our women. And no they are not equal to men physically iif they set their minds to it. THer are built completely differently, Compare the fastest male runner and the fastest female, no competition same with every strength competition. I really dont think women should have the choice to do these things because some will and most will regret it. Besides they make excellent spy drone controllers and medics!

Its not sexist at all. They are not being thought of as less, only different. In my opinoin women are better then men in all but two things :P Combat and Invention.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ByblosHex @ Sep. 23 2004,8:29)]Im suprised epople will agree to it. Usually if its something Ima ll for everyone is against! This sint my rule its the set rules already, im just supporting them. And in war worse things then rape happen to our women. And no they are not equal to men physically iif they set their minds to it. THer are built completely differently, Compare the fastest male runner and the fastest female, no competition same with every strength competition. I really dont think women should have the choice to do these things because some will and most will regret it. Besides they make excellent spy drone controllers and medics!

Its not sexist at all. They are not being thought of as less, only different. In my opinoin women are better then men in all but two things :P Combat and Invention.
You're right, women are different. But you're arguement is not logically valid. It is true that women are not as physically powerful as men, but both men and women have to meet the same qualifications to be eligible to be in the armed forces, rendering the point moot. And as for the 'worse than death' thing, do you really think that women are not aware of the risks when they register for the military? You are making a decision for them that you cannot rightly make.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Genesis1315 @ Sep. 23 2004,8:34)]Plus, weren't women designed to be helpers?
Not all people are christian in this country, hence it is secular. Thus, whether women were designed to be soldiers or not in the Bible does not factor into this arguement. This be General Discussion, mmhmmm.
Very true. It is just my opinion, don't worry, I am not going further here. The topic is "Women as Infantry...What do YOU think?" Well this is what I think. I am very sorry if I offended you with a Biblical world view.

(no sarcasm written or intended)

Oh no worries, I'm just very aware that threads often degenerate to people throwing bible verses at each other.. I didn't mean anything really, just trying to keep the discussion based on what the women in the military law is based on.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]And yet, this is a country "of the people, by the people, and for the people." How ironic..

Isn't it though? Its gone from "the people" To "the person" All you did was indirectly validate what I said.

How Ironic.

Well, looks tro me like thsi rule is going to stand for a while. WHat the rest of the US doesnt know is that us (Christians) outnumber them greatly! Plus we have the advantage of our country starting out biblical! Anyway for all of you guys who agree with me, lets pray our women never end up on the front lines. Also think of this you disagreers, If you are in the army and are male, and they want you o the front line they will put you there if you want to go there or not, IF women were allowed there, They would be there whether they wanted to or not. So because they are not allowed there, they cannot be forced or drafted into them positions. How would you feel if one day during ww3 your wife is drafted and ends up figting in the front line againsts some terrible people with chemical weapons!
As a male you can sign up as one thing, but if they want you somewhere else they will put you there. As a women if you sign up for something, like Medic, thats where you will stay, where it is safe and they will not push you out into combat as it is against regulation!!
Why should it matter whether Christians outnumber other faiths in the country? What exactly is your arguement now? Yes, it would be terrible if my wife were drafted and sent over to fight in WW3, but then it would be equally terrible if, say, my son were drafted. There are ways to avoid going into combat with the draft though. You have more control than you think. But the draft is one thing, we're talking about the Army. I think you should take into consideration the kind of woman who would enlist too...
It matters because Christians are more for right and wrong then they are for rights.
I dont have an argument, im not arguing.
No it isnt equally bad for a son as it is a wife, and what happens if both parents are drafted since women would be?
THere are no ways if they want you there. If they want you there you will be there.
And in the army, you can sign up as one thing and if they need you as something else they can switch you.
A woman might join as a base madeic and be changed into a combat medic! Theres no predicting what they will switch you to. They havea field version of everything, So sign up as a base technician, be changed into a field technician!
The way the rules are set up not, It is impossible for a woman to be switced into a field position, which prevents them from ending up there against there will.
You would rather it be like so. Women can pick to be in the field and they can be forced there just like a man could. Thats just sick if you believe women should be forced into the front line just like men.
Both parents would never be drafted, and the man would likely be favored due to his lesser role in child care. Yes, there are ways to get out of being drafted into a combat situation, such as proclaiming pacificm. Sorry, but you're not making sense. Right and wrong? Based on what? Tradition does not denote morallity.
Man being favored for that reason, Now THAT is sexist. My dad is more of a parent then my Mom...
THere are ways if they allow it, but do you think they will allow anyone to stay off the field?
I am making sense, and Christians go for right and wrong based on DUH the Bible! No crap tradition means nothing, but the rules our country are started on were made by Bible-goers, EX: The consititution, ever notice how God is the most used word in the thing :P