
After using the Gallery module for PHP-Nuke, I just can't bring myself to hassle with creating thumbnails and all that mess. I tried installing the standalone version of Gallery on the ToJ site, but our site runs on a WinNT box (GRR) and it just was NOT happening.

So, I'm thinking that we're going to just take our gallery off-site (to the CGA site). We did it with the forums and testimonies, I guess it makes sense to follow suit with this as well...*shrugs*

Anyway, the "rough draft" of the Gallery of Ownage is available here. The gallery isn't accessible through the left-hand menu yet--that's on purpose. If we're going to take all our galleries off-site, I have to talk with our Dark Age of Camelot chapter people first, since they have the most time, effort, and pictures invested in the ToJ gallery.

...Bleh for Windows web servers.