who speaks spanish

hah, Spainish. I took 2 years of espanol... Spainish 1 was right after 1st period, so I slept through class everyday. I have no idea how, but I managed to get an A without even being able to speak a two word combination. Then in Spainish two, it was right after lunch, and I fell asleep most the days. I still couldn't put two words together and I got another A... Gotta love multiple choice & freetranslation.com
I took french in high school. And the only spanish I know is from that offspring song, and oh yeah Ricky Martin.
Living the vida loca.

Is there any spanish in Fernando by ABBA.
heh good story... a couple weeks ago we were on a missions trip and this kid Justin, whos a really funny guy and has a mullet and stuff. Was walking by this one girl who was the daughter of a youth pastor and was like "hey chico" and then there was a cheerleading camp there too so right after he walked by some cheerleaders and was like "sup chicos?" Then my friend overheard him and walked up to him and was like "did you just call them chicos" And he was all like "D'oh" and smacked himself on the forehead. I think it was one of those things that you had to be there for.
Que es tu problema? Silencio! Buenos dias. Buenas tardes. Buenas noches. Si, hablo espanol, pero solo un poco.

I took Spanish for one year, and loved it. It's an awesome language, and I think everyone should learn at least 2 languages in their lifetime. I've got several friends that are missionaries to Peru and you'd sware they were Spanish. Learning different languages gives you more opportunities to communicate the Gospel, as well.