Where is everyone at?


Member, Dreamcast Fishing Guru
Just wondering where everyone would say they are in their walk. Also what would you like to learn about and go deeper into. I want to do lessons that we will all enjoy and get something out of. well piece out till sunday night all.
Where are you at spiritually, Charlie?  My beliefs have always been about the same, although I am much more excited about the bible and am more eager to learn more about it.  Apparently this excitement is not just a fad or a trend either, and I think it is shaping who I am becoming very well - I would say that I am on a fairly steady climb, and I hope to remain so!  What do you think?
thats good to hear. Its always a good sign when we want to study the Bible and grow closer to God.
I don't think I ever saw this post by LOJ. I loooovvveeee, loooooovvvvvvveeeeeee, looovveee where he was going with it. I do remember Bowser's other post and I am shocked it is almost a year later to the day! I think I have been giving credit to Beth Moore for some of his concepts from that thread that have stayed on my heart! Sorry, Bowser!

My method when coming to the forums is clicking on the new posts option. I am seeing that possibly does not always pull everything up. I have missed some excellent threads.
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