What do you appreciate about Redeemed?


New Member
When I tell people that I play WoW, obviously some laugh and roll their eyes. Until I explain to them about Redeemed and what it has meant to me for the past 4 years.

A little story: 2 years ago, I moved to San Diego to take a new job. I left all my friends, family, and everything I've ever known behind in Northern California. A month after the move, I started to feel very alone and homesick, to the point of borderline depression. It was bad. I couldn't shake thoughts of how big of a mistake I made, and I might as well quit and move home. The fellowship from everyone in Redeemed was the only thing that helped me through that dark time in my life. Turns out that God had a pretty amazing plan for me in San Diego, and without Redeemed, I never would have given Him the chance to change me. And it makes a point that Redeemed isn't about raids, or gearing up, or anything that most people play this game for...its about the people. Thanks to you all!! - Especially to Samboe, Tots, and Goodwone who always make me laugh and make a guy feel appreciated.

So...what do you appreciate about Redeemed?
I appreciate the folks in Redeemed that bond and help one other, and believe in a strong fellowship while at the same time having fun! I appreciate all the great players that are loyal and give it their all to help other folks, and make it a special guild! I appreciate being able to play in a positive atmosphere with fellow Christians who encourage and stand by their friends! I appreciate the guild leadership, like Shagz, that have been there for their fellow players in good times and bad, that are not 'fair weather' players and do their best to build up Redeemed! I am thankful that the foundation of the guild is built on positive values and principles and upholds the name of Christ. What I appreciate also is Samboe's pet.....

Thanks to you all also who make this guild so pleasent to be a part of, and to guild leaders for taking the time to step up and serve and give!
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My wife has been wondering why I would play this game - until I left the audio on the speakers and she got to hear what goes on in vent while some of us party in a party even if we are making an epic fail at a dungeon. And no cost of repairs can equal the fun I have had with others, laughing at our foolish mistakes, sharing testimonies and getting to know real people in a virtual world that we all come to for some fun. Y'all are the best - I think l33t is the text version...
One of the biggest things that drew me to Redeemed is one of the biggest things I love about it now. I ran Heroic Magister's Terrace sometime long, long ago with 4 Redeemies. Our group was a horrendous failure that couldn't down Priestess to save our lives. However, there was no angriness, no yelling, no blaming, no quitting, none of the things I had come to expect from playing WoW. This instance (pun intended) stayed in my head from then on, until I finally had the time to dedicate to a raiding guild and app'd in January.
Back during BC I was in a raiding guild that was all about loot. Being in full Tier 6 was awesome but it just wasn't that much fun. Constantly having people yell at you over the littlest things... It just took the fun out of raiding. Then after some weird circumstances my account was permanantly banned. I sent Blizzard and email asking why and they explained it. It didn't really make sense but I said whatever and started to play Warhammer. A couple months later Blizzard sent me an email that they released my account so I decided I'd give WotLK a try. Xymnas had his character on Shadow Council (RP server) and my character was on Hyjal (PvE server). We were looking for a PvP server to transfer to and we chose Stonemaul. I think we were running Azjol-Nerub when we ran into Whysper (Tots). She was in mostly Tier 6 so I asked about Redeemed and she said that it was a Christian guild. I was a little shocked at first and thought it was too good to be true. So I checked out the website and Xymnas and I decided to apply. Before being in this guild it was kind of a lonely game... Just Xymnas and I. But this guild has been a HUGE blessing. The first raid I ever did with Redeemed was Naxx 25 man and they asked for someone to pray before we started. From right there I knew that this was the right guild for me.

What are the chances that we happen to transfer to Stonemaul with all of you here? :D
I appreciate the friendships. Even if you dont know someone that well within the guild I cant think of anyone who does not immediately have a friendly attitude and a fun personality. Wether you're with new or old friends Redeemed is an environment to relax and have fun in. It's so nice to have our guild chat....its clean refreshing and honoring to God...unlike every other pug group, guild, pug party I've been in within the game. Thank you guys. You all make up Redeemed.
I appreciate the friendships. Even if you dont know someone that well within the guild I cant think of anyone who does not immediately have a friendly attitude and a fun personality. Wether you're with new or old friends Redeemed is an environment to relax and have fun in. It's so nice to have our guild chat....its clean refreshing and honoring to God...unlike every other pug group, guild, pug party I've been in within the game. Thank you guys. You all make up Redeemed.

You're welcome :D