Wellcome to the USSA

"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

-Norman Thomas, 1948
I think you are picking on Obama just because it's him who is striving for those things. If it was Bush, Palin or anyone else, you'd be all for it because lets face it, those are good things to live for/by. I don't know anyone who love the fact that they smoke or loves how long they sit around all day.

Also, why do you use your own blog for sources?
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I think you are picking on Obama just because it's him who is striving for those things. If it was Bush, Palin or anyone else, you'd be all for it because lets face it, those are good things to live for/by. I don't know anyone who love the fact that they smoke or loves how long they sit around all day.

Also, why do you use your own blog for sources?

That's where i put them to aggregate them..the links to outside are kept in place..and becuase i can.

Odale..read my blog i castigated Bush as well. I did NOT vote for him...as a matter of fact Bush is the architect of the framework obama is exploiting now.

I most assuredly am NOT a fan of the republicrats or demopublicans which is why in the past 10 years with the exception of Ron Paul i have NOT voted for either "party".
Perhaps linking to the actual executive order would be more objective then linking to one blog linking to another blog.

Basically stopped stopped reading at the unrelated birther comment but I did read the actual order and other then some unfortunate wording in 6c it seems to be a pretty positive thing.
The things in that order are all well and good, but the simple fact of the matter is such issues are none of the federal government's business. They should stop fixating on controlling our healthcare, and instead solve problems that are actually their responsibility, like the economy.

On a side note, I'm surprised the order actually used the phrase "lifestyle behavior modification." Nice job making it sound sinister and Orwellian.
I apologize for sounding aggressive and making assumptions. They are out of place and unnecessary.

However, I do think this is a better use of tax payer money than a war in a country where we have no business.
Wait I thought socialism was Christian. Didn't the early Christian community in Acts all like share their stuff and suchlike?
there's a difference between sharing and having the government dictate who gets what.

at least, i'm assuming there is, comrade

:D :D :D
I apologize for sounding aggressive and making assumptions. They are out of place and unnecessary.

However, I do think this is a better use of tax payer money than a war in a country where we have no business.

Hey bro, don't worry about your posts no one is OUT of place.. :) I just posted earlier to remind everyone to try to keep it clean in here, because these things can snowball fast. :) You are fine! :D As is everyone else.

I am in-between sometimes on this topic, besides, I tend to focus more on church related issues than political anyways, because we not "citizens" of this world. :) Anyways, God is in control, and he raises up and brings down the kings as He wishes. :)
Wait I thought socialism was Christian. Didn't the early Christian community in Acts all like share their stuff and suchlike?

Yes, only difference is they willingly wanted to share vs. forced.
"A finger in every...oops, a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage!"

And just to keep things in perspective: This world is not our home.
there's a difference between sharing and having the government dictate who gets what.

at least, i'm assuming there is, comrade

:D :D :D

The difference is that the government makes sure everything gets shared fairly! Which would you rather have, a dictatorship run by a smart, friendly, wonderful chap or a democracy run by a pack of fools, comrade? :)
I prefer the Pilgrim's method of sharing. "He who does not work, does not eat."