Warrior Weapon Enchants


New Member
I'm a tank, hear me clank. I'm a poet and didn't know it. :p

Here's my dilemma: I'm tryin' to figure out what enchant to put on my weaps. At best, I'm OT in raids, and any warrior can tank a 5 man. I dual-wield while tanking many times just to keep rage up and kill mobs faster (besides, healers get bored if they have no one to heal). Of course, when I'm out grinding or questing I dual-wield as well. Therefore, I'm looking for enchants that will help with tanking and dpsing. BTW, I want to enchant both weapons.

I see three options:
1) +15 Strength. That's +30 AP and extra damage reduction when shield-blocking. Always active, never resisted.
2) Lifestealing. I believe it drains 30 health from the target and gives it to me. About 6 procs/min, which avgs 180 health/min. Self-heals reduces downtime while soloing and helps healers while grouped.
3) Crusader. Heals for 75-125 and +100 STR for 15 secs. About 1 proc/min. Seems like a low proc rate, but +200 AP is attractive. Do Crusader enchants stack? That is, if I have two weapons with it and they both proc, do I get +200 STR, or just a longer net effect?

Comments/thoughts/suggestions? I have two weapons to enchant. It can be any of the three, or a different one (not Fiery; too much FR out there at 60). Mix or match, or two of the same.

Gimme input please!
Crusaders stack.

I'd suggest Crusader on the Main Hand and +15 on the offhand... but that's me, I can't used Crusader so I'm a bit noobish on its stats.
I vote +15 STR or AGI on off and crusader on main unless you have loads and loads of +hit. Static stats on off-hand FTW.
Dual Wield guilde by Dayne:


On page 3, he responds to this question:

I would be interested in hearing perspectives on enchants for the different dual wield styles. Currently I'm not uber-geared. My first and only dkp bought item is Eskhander's right claw. I've gotten Crusader enchant on it - but i'm not sure what to put on my offhand.

His response:

Crusader has the exact same chance to proc from the offhand as it does from the mainhand (on white swings). Chance to proc is mostly effected by your weapon speed (the slower the weapon, the better the chance to proc)

The mainhand procs more because you get instant yellow attacks with it.

Either way, Crusader is what you should be using on both hands. It *does* stack.

And other DW goodness in the thread
Kirk, I put Crusader on my purple two hander and I'm impressed with how often it procs. It has been worth the $$ to get it enchanted. Dual Crusaders I think would rock. I understand concerns of +hit for your off-hand, even if you don't get them to stack and both proc once a minute thats ~30sec of +100 str every minute...plus 150 - 250 health back.
Well, I went dual Crusaders last night- just in time for UBRS. I haven't had them stack yet, but they did proc fairly often. Overall, I'm pleased. I'd like to see dual-procs on an execute; I want to break my 3066 record. :D

Thanks for the input, y'all.

Edit: In case you're curious, I put the enchants on Krol Blade and Qiraji Sacrificial Dagger (I know, Krol is low level, but I had it so I might as well use it); I'd link the weaps but I can't do that from work. Just click on the avatar in my sig if you want to see the specifics. I use the dagger when I tank. Now that's style!
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Execute is base damage of X + rage modifier. I don't think AP (and hence strength) effect it. Weapons don't effect it either. You can execute with a skinning knife for the same amount as a Ash'kandi.

I don't *think* this has been changed in a recent patch, but I could be wrong.