UI Screenshots

*UPDATE*: I uploaded the wrong Angrywife Test Picture...there is the new one. (The Frames are faded when people are Out-Of-Combat)

Here is the before and after of mine. Still working on the frames and stuff so they all fit well. might take me quite some time. The idea is there though.

I worked on it first for my warlock...then i tried a tester on Angrywife for yesterdays Kara that i mustered up in 15...lol So dont laugh at that one....i seriously gotta change it around....but i uploaded the picture.

BY THE WAY....Read the Chat Dialogue in the "Before" Picture....notice where i zoned in to?
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1st pic = Before (Angrymom) [The Winterspring looking one]
2nd pic = After (Angrymom) Beta [still working on it, close to my final]
3rd pic = After (Angrywife) Beta [still working on it]

i dropped it. I was using X-perl in my "Before" picture. Now i am using Pitbull (Ace) as my unit frames. Its complicated but a lot better and easy on the resources. It also looks a lot better...especially how you can edit the pictures on your targets. (Check my 2nd picture).

Raids i'll be using "Grid" (Ace) as my raid frames...you can see it in my Angrywife picture (3rd one) on the right side of action bar. I still have to configure it so the frames are bigger...but its a lot better than the x-perl ones IMO.
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it has a nice look to it...i'm using ag_uf which overall is pretty good...grid for raid frames as well, but i think i need to explore a bit more with it - i used to like some of the things you could do with x-perl raid frames which i'm sure you can probably do with grid...just need to figure it out
i was using pitbull but then i was having problems with it and cant get it to work again! i really miss it though cause of having whos targeting what helped me alot.
i have ag uf but its iffy pitbull is nice very customizable but icant seem to get it to work again :(

BTW i have galatians back on forums WOOT
After Quantam showed me pitbull... its all I use. I used to use xPerl. XPerl gives you target's target , as well as target's target's target.
I've used about every popular Unitframe out there from Perl, Xperl, AG, Pitbull, and a few others. I recently switched back to XPerl because I like the raid frames and the Config options, if Pitbull switched to menus like XPerl, I'd prolly switch back as I like the overall look of Pitbull better. Then again I'm a UI freak and I customize my UI a lot, I may change back today...who knows?
I've used about every popular Unitframe out there from Perl, Xperl, AG, Pitbull, and a few others. I recently switched back to XPerl because I like the raid frames and the Config options, if Pitbull switched to menus like XPerl, I'd prolly switch back as I like the overall look of Pitbull better. Then again I'm a UI freak and I customize my UI a lot, I may change back today...who knows?

Try out "Grid" (Ace). You can customize it to look just like x-perls and better.
best part of xperl is grim reaper:)

I'm trying to not be closed-minded. Why did you like it? I found that it took up precious real estate and kept popping over bars that I was trying to click. I like the idea of being able to look back and see trends on healing, but the early versions of implementation drove me away.

Has it changed in the past few months? I'm willing to give it another shot if it doesn't stink anymore :)
I (as a tank) like to see why I died, if I got a crushing blow or just a few high damage spikes or if I just didnt get healed for 5 seconds or more:p

I wish I could find something like grim reaper but only for myself to save some resources
I have to say...I spent about an hour and a half playing with PitBull last night. aside from some initial annoyances...it's pretty darn cool. At the very least I'll probably use it for self/target/tot and MT/MTT frames instead of aguf.
so... can you adjust where your own icon/your pet's icon freely to anywhere on the screen? the only way i've been moving it is adjusting its scale, which is not really moving it.

btw, arena without proximo is lol, i just figured that out after getting it.
I use:

Atlasloot Enhanced
Titan Panel
Titan Panel [Quests]

so... can you adjust where your own icon/your pet's icon freely to anywhere on the screen? the only way i've been moving it is adjusting its scale, which is not really moving it.

btw, arena without proximo is lol, i just figured that out after getting it.

A number of mods allow that, ag_uf, x-perl...i think in general, all unit frames provide that capability.

I'll post some screen shots of my updated UI later today