Tuesday night PvP Oct 31


Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader
We will need 3 ViM Trappers and 3 ViM Dervishes. We will meet at about 10pm Eastern.
What skills for the dervishes? I would really like to try one toniight if I have enough faction to get the required skills.
ViM Trapper is the same as always, but we don't take the same spirits, also, it is helpful if one has "tripwire" a new trap equipped that knocks down crippled opponents.

ViM Dervish is:
Dust Cloak, Vital Boon, Aura of Thorns, Heart of Holy Flam, ViM, Mystic Sandstorm, Crippling Sweep and Rez Sig.

Other optional skills (other enchants) would be Mirage Cloak (evading and damage on ending) or Staggering Force (damage and weakness at ending).
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QZ hurts the dervishes on energy cost, TQ on enchant duration (we want them to end on command, not early), NR increases enchant cast time. So, yeah, we want Frozen Soil, but not the others. In it's place, I'd say take Serpent's Quickness to use ONLY while Whirling Defense is recharging (both stances and will cancel eachother).

Also, I've edited my post above to add dervish skill names.
Well, I'd say, from our experience last night, that this build needs some serious tweaking. Without QZ, traps took too long to recharge, especially healing spring.

Another interesting note is that heros made a strong presence shown in HA last night. People, one or 2, were taking heros and occasionally a Zaishen Hench or 2. The sad part is they were beating us. Fire spike seems to be pretty powerful and with an ele with 2 ele heros attacking the same target, it can be pretty deadly.
I been messing with a Paragon and it can provide healing and a little energy and some ability to not be interupted actually I am interested if this will help a little.
Another idea might be to sacrifice a point in expertise to raise tactics from 3 to 6 will increase ViM's Power a bit. New att point layout would be 12+3+1WS, 11+1 Exp, 6 Tac. This should offer 11 more health and 1 more energy per condition for the trapper.

Another idea for keeping trappers is just to eliminate the ViM portion altogether. Changing to 3 resolve trappers (R/Me) with Mantra of Resolve instead of whirling defense and Spike Trap instead of ViM with Troll Unguent in place of a spirit would make us less interruptable, add knockdowns against the spikers and monks and give us a more reliable self heal. dorkelf tried something similar for a while the other night and thought it worked OK. 3 Resolve trappers, 2 ViM Dervishes and 1 Paragon?

Changing from Druid's armor to one with a higher elemental defense might be in order for PvP characters as well because of all the fire bombing on Tuesday.
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