
aka Ash

New Member
What is the possiblity of a lateral transfer to SOE? EDIT: Never mind(see below).

Also I think Dubl Mia (our friend) would like in whatever guild the three of us are in (SoE). She is a member of ToJ now...Thanks for the quick response there
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A transfer would be up to Derk and Andrew. (With Pastori on vacation...)

As for your friend, have her send an email to the address on the guild website (click on "Join Today"). Make sure she specifies that she's a friend of Ash's family, so she can be put in the right guild. We would need her main character name AND the exact nickname she used to sign up at ToJ. (Since they changed the design for the website, it's become much more difficult to search if the nickname is wrong.)
UPDATE: Do not worry about a transfer anyone. We will stay in SoE. There is no reason for a transfer really. I have my friends list built, I know when most of SOE is on (I seem to be playing more with SOE than SoE lately, that was my original thought.), but I am cool and like SoE...Well I like SOE too, and then I couldn't fit all of SoE in my friends list (the limit is 50), so We will remain...Besides I am a figment of MM's imagination...So I'll just stay where she is so she doesn't forget me and I cease to exist.


I just got done talking to a couple of people in my old alliance...and they are now interested. 1 of them is from "Down Under" :) they both PvP of them being very serious about it and I would consider an expert. Let's see if my witnessing pays off there :D
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Pray that God will soften that guys heart and give you the words to say. We alone can do nothing, yet with God he can anything through us.
Pray that God will soften that guys heart and give you the words to say. We alone can do nothing, yet with God he can anything through us.

*note* this is in reference to Dubl Mia's husband, who knows the truth...but won't accept it. Also a good kids call him uncle...he's a good person, just got burned by religious people. I'm working on him, as is God :0
EEEK Sorry Ash I forgot you PMed me last night! I was in the Middle of GvG and when I was done I logged off right away! Sorry!
EEEK Sorry Ash I forgot you PMed me last night! I was in the Middle of GvG and when I was done I logged off right away! Sorry!'s no problem brother...I had a question about DL of Factions, whether it would help with load times, and I am trying to get Dubl Mia in our guild ASAP...she's wandered around Tyria alone long enough...:)