Tips on getting Raid Ready


New Member
Every week it kills me to leave people out of ICC raids because their gear and/or past perfomance is less than what's needed to succeed in there. And since today is patch day, I thought I'd throw out some ideas for anyone who isn't quite sure of the best way to get to the ICC raid level.

1. Run Heroics....a lot!! The daily random gives you 2 frost badges, which once you have enough, you can get lvl 251 or even 264 items (you also get 5 of these from the weekly raid quests, which are pretty easy even with PUGS). Plus Triumph badges are easy to get. Which you can use to either get some decent 232/245 items, or go for your 4 set Tier-9 bonus.

2. Run VOA when possible. This can get ugly sometimes, but its a good shot at Tier pieces and significant ugrades (plus badges as well)

3. ALWAYS gem and enchant ALL of your items. Mats are pretty cheap and this can add a lot to your stats. Just to give you an idea, the gems/enchants for Shagz (not including the ring enchants) adds 426 Spell Power alone. Plus there's other stats that get buffed as well.

4. Glyphs. You should have at least the 3 major glyphs filled.

5. Go to the wow forums and read about your class. There are good tips for spell rotation, what stats are better, any changes to your class, etc.

6. When in doubt, ask your Class Lead. Each class in Redeemed has a Class Leader who knows a lot about how to play their toon. And they are always willing to take a few minutes to help out.

Hopefully this helps. I'd love to take 25 people geared and ready for ICC and make it look easy. As well as not having anyone left behind on raid nights.
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Don't be afraid to ask me or another officer for mats you see in the guild bank. I'm happy to hand out enchant mats/glyphs/gems/etc for use on triumph emblem gear.
Make lots of popcorn before la BATTLE!!11!! NOM NOM
Getting new 232 and 245 pieces via triumph badges takes a week for all your pieces if you really grind out the heroics. Also, keep in mind that some class's T9 bonus is NOT worth going for. Regular T9 pieces are 232 while the non-set Head and Shoulder you can buy are both 245. Make sure you are giving yourself the best upgrade you can.

Myself or any other Class lead/officer should be able to answer this among other questions for you.

Since we are pushing for ICC content on most of our raid nights, these are topics that need to be address if you, the raider, want to be included on these raids. The Lich King is out and I'm sure we all agree he deserves to be defeated!!! If we could accomplish this as a Redeemed...I think this would be our greatest feat as a guild in a LONG time.

Remember, ICC is not for everybody and if you don't want to (or can't) put in the effort or time to get your toon in shape for it, DONT WORRY! We still have at least 1-2 days during the week(end) where we try to include those who just want to raid to have fun rather than progress.

Just keep in mind that when we're asking for ICC, we need people who are at the point where they can peform to the standards of the hardest raid in the game. I know it's a daunting idea, but I believe that we have the people in our guild that want this enough that can make this happen.

The main idea to pull away from this is that your guild officers are here to help you in whatever way they can. There are no stupid questions...only stupid hunters...who link stupid weapons...
The main idea to pull away from this is that your guild officers are here to help you in whatever way they can. There are no stupid questions...only stupid hunters...who link stupid weapons...

Also, for dps classes that are having a hard time doing heroics quickly because of how long queue times are you should usually try to pair up with a healer/tank for faster queues or otherwise get a guild group together to run reg or heroic toc/icc 5 mans to gear up that much more quickly. Remember, regular icc 5 mans also give badges.
Actually if you listen to the advice of seasoned raiders what might seem intimidating at first can end up really improving your performance. When people suggest that you aren't ready it is isn't to hurt your feelings - they too had to learn the ropes, and so take that time, improve and you will get there.

I am just learning what it means to be a raider - and I still have a long way to go - just don't feel bad if you aren't there yet - the other day I got kicked out of a group as a holy pally with 2700+ SP - 30k mana (approx 2830 GS) because they didn't like one of my gems. (This was not a guild group lol).
Don't forget to use the tools available to you. Our member page has links to several resources that will help you get raid ready that are located to the right of the table. and are great resources that analyze your current gear, enchants and gems and will give you useful feedback on ways to improve and what instances meet your current gear level and what ones will provide the next upgrades., and all provide links to gear upgrades by slot. lists your reputation grinds incase you are working for one of the head or shoulder enchants or just looking for a reputation piece if you just hit 80.
I'd especially emphasize the VoA point ... but extend it to ToC, Naxx, Ony ... anything with 10+ people rather than 5. While it's impossible to be a decent raider with bad gear (and it's really inexcusable to drag down 9 or 24 other people by having the wrong gear, the wrong glyphs, the wrong talents, or having ignored easy-to-obtain gear/enchants/gems in your gear selections), having fantabulous gear is no guarantee of being a strong raider or even a decent one.

If you're a healer, watching 10-25 health meters is a lot tougher than 9. If you're a tank, it typically means coordinating with another tank rather than just pulling all aggro. If you're DPS, there are often multiple targets to deal with and there's a lot more need for coordinated crowd control and debuff management. For all roles, there's a much higher premium on situational awareness than in 5-mans. Following the raid leader's directions is WAY more critical than often autonomous and leaderless 5-mans. And so on. So I'd put as much emphasize on upgrading skill as upgrading gear, and on bringing the right attitude as much as bringing the right consumables.

So says the guy who's raided like 3 times in the last 12 months!
(1)Make sure to go wash your car in between afk breaks.
(2)Always eat and play at the same time, especially if it is with your vent button on.
(3)Yes means no on the readycheck. Don't be fooled always hit no!
(4)Spam the raid leader with " I love You " While he is explaining the boss fight, while listening to your Ipod.

Please follow these rules and you will survive to see Arthas down in no time!
-Respectfully submitted- Dradow

But no really. The 3 ICC heroics are a great way to get badges and gear. Toc 10 man gear is up for badges and it doesn't take too long to get. Talk to your class leaders about gear/specs/and rotation :D Most of them do not bite ( however Kutluch is not one of those people. He does in fact bite. Often. ) Ask about addons that may help too.

Now Respectfully submitted -Dradow- ( Although the other post was with respect also, it just lacked seriousness.
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(1)Make sure to go wash your car in between afk breaks.
(2)Always eat and play at the same time, especially if it is with your vent button on.
(3)Yes means no on the readycheck. Don't be fooled always hit no!
(4)Spam the raid leader with " I love You " While he is explaining the boss fight, while listening to your Ipod.

Please follow these rules and you will survive to see Arthas down in no time!
-Respectfully submitted- Dradow

But no really. The 3 ICC heroics are a great way to get badges and gear. Toc 10 man gear is up for badges and it doesn't take too long to get. Talk to your class leaders about gear/specs/and rotation :D Most of them do not bite ( however Kutluch is not one of those people. He does in fact bite. Often. ) Ask about addons that may help too.

Now Respectfully submitted -Dradow- ( Although the other post was with respect also, it just lacked seriousness.

dangit dradow i was doing that the entire time thinking it was wrong DOH
(1)Make sure to go wash your car in between afk breaks.
(2)Always eat and play at the same time, especially if it is with your vent button on.
(3)Yes means no on the readycheck. Don't be fooled always hit no!
(4)Spam the raid leader with " I love You " While he is explaining the boss fight, while listening to your Ipod.

Please follow these rules and you will survive to see Arthas down in no time!
-Respectfully submitted- Dradow

But no really. The 3 ICC heroics are a great way to get badges and gear. Toc 10 man gear is up for badges and it doesn't take too long to get. Talk to your class leaders about gear/specs/and rotation :D Most of them do not bite ( however Kutluch is not one of those people. He does in fact bite. Often. ) Ask about addons that may help too.

Now Respectfully submitted -Dradow- ( Although the other post was with respect also, it just lacked seriousness.


I wonder what inspired this lol!

As the one being the Abomination last night on our Putricide attempt, here are some things worth mentioning:

1) Visibility in the Abomination is very poor - this is something you can't tell by the video but they have you in looking behind the Abomination which takes up a good portion of the screen making it difficult

2) Your number one priority is the slime pools - I made the mistake of thinking the adds overrided the slime pools - but if those slime pools aren't gone you wipe the raid

3) You still need to deal with the adds however you have 3 abilities to use - the second one in the row of buttons is the one you use for them

4) The first is for the slime pool

Those were my observations after watching the video and doing one attempt on Putricide
Yeah, I was noticing that you were having difficulty navigating the room and finding the slime pools/adds. I thought maybe you were lagging, but I can imagine how difficult it would be if the abomb istaking up half of your screen.

besides slime pool control, we completely forgot to collapse on the rooted dps. We absolutely MUST collapse on skull in order to survive. (I got targeted first last ight and took the full 75k dmg)
Did you try zooming out all the way? Or, if you zoom in all the way, you can do first person view, it might be easier.

Also, agree with Piano, that is one of the main things I noticed in the vid.
All tanks should get addon called "CameraPlus" from curse gaming. I couldn't tank without it. It extends your view.