Thursday, October 18, 2012


New Member
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,"
-Colossians 3:23 (NIV)

Sorry, I've had a really busy week, so I'm going to have to keep this short-ish again.

So over this past weekend I had the privilege to attend a first year anime convention at which Vic Mignogna (well-known voice actor) was speaking.

He is both a Liberty University (the school I am attending) alumnus and a devout Christian, and it was a joy to speak with him one-on-one (which I had the chance to do) and attend his panels, including his panel on the Gospel of John.

During the signing time afterwards, I asked him to write his favorite Bible verse next to his signature, and low and behold, he wrote this one here.

After reading, I really felt the need to bring it up here as Verse of the Day.

See, Vic Mignogna is a perfect example of this verse at work. When you think of an anime voice actor, rarely would you think of a devout Christian. The industry just doesn't lend itself to that thought. However, Vic has taken this verse to heart and made his voice acting work into an incredible ministry. He is able to reach an extremely large amount of nonbelievers through his panels and other anime work, all of which he does to the glory of God.

So, in the same way, I say this: No matter what it is you like or do, put your heart into it for the Lord, for he will use it to do great things in His name.

I hope your week has been going well (hopefully better than mine, haha) and I pray that your next week goes well, too!

God Bless!