Thursday, October 11, 2012


New Member
"Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him."
-John 3:14-15

Hey everyone! I hope your day is going well!

This week I have to confess I have been falling behind in my reading of Job, however I recently had the historical significance of John 3:14 brought to my attention and decided to point my focus, yet again, from Job to this verse.

In this verse, the snake that Moses lifted refers back to Numbers 21:8-9, in which the Israelites had been suffering from a plague of poisonous snakes (struck upon them by God for their complaints). If they looked to the bronze snake provided by God and raised upon a pole by Moses with faith, they were to be healed.

In the same way, Jesus is, as the verse says, the bronze snake to us, though instead of being healed from poisonous snake bites we are healed from spending eternity away from God.

I apologize for not expounding further upon this though, but I am currently staying in a hotel for an anime convention this weekend. : )

God bless! I look forward to next week!