Thursday, November 29, 2012 - I Corinthians 13:11


New Member
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
-I Corinthians 13:11

Hey everyone! Long time no... write, I guess... I apologize profusely for missing the last few weeks (college has been getting busy and it's been simply slipping my mind on a regular basis), but I'm back, hopefully for good!

Today's post does not actually come from my personal reading from the week, but actually from a blog I follow (check here: http://beneaththetangles.wordpress....ode-08-falling-from-and-into-faith/#more-7663 if you are interested).

I am unsure how many anime fans are active on this forum, or how many check these posts regularly, but I've found as I grow in my faith that the presence of Christian allegory in every medium, including anime, is especially interesting. In particular, a current running show by the name of Chuunibyou (plus some extra Japanese in the name, but that is practical abbreviation) to be of excellent interest.

Without spoiling anything, one of the main characters (a high school student) essentially sees herself as a powerful magic-user, something you would see in an anime or video games, while the main character (who used to be that way as well in years past) is trying to help her see the truth of the world. All of this presents an interesting allegory for the dealing of mature Christian believers with immature Christian believers, for example those who are today born into Christian families without any personal conviction to support their beliefs. This particular verse by Paul presents an interesting case for obtaining spiritual maturity, something which may make more sense if you watch the anime.

In any case, hope you've had a great day and a great week!

God bless!