thoughts and feelings about the new patch!?


Tribe of Judah Unreal Tournament Chapter Co-leader
Well, I'm sure impressed with what has been done to the game, a little bummed out that my precious exaust got nerfed pretty hard, but you know what, I kind of understand it. Three seconds was just way too long which is why i always took exaust/ignight, because nothing was better than that spell combo when it came to 1v1ing a scary champ like jax or trynd. I'm also upset that all the caitlyn nerf did was remove - 5 movement speed to her. That's really not a concern at all for her! I was hoping for a range nerf and possibly an attack damage increase to make up for shorter range. I'm kind of upset that to get both armor pen and magic pen mastery, I have to sacrifice 6 armor and 4 magic resist. I realized that I can't do this. I need the magic resist if I want to solo mid so I can't get my 10+ magic pen w/ mf. It's a shame because it's so good on her as well as tristana. I think the 6 mag resist and 6 armor help more in lane than the 4% cool down reduction with magic pen anyway. It's funny though, I noticed that ever since the new armor pen masteries, I have noticed more and more AD carries starting to go mid again! This is exciting and means that the game is starting to become more balanced so that any champ can go mid! I really like that because last night I had a fun game vs a mid solo vayne. : ) I go with my masteries 24-6-0. What do you guys use for masteries? what do you love most about this patch etc? : )
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Really havent figured out a good set of masteries for my AP yet, still playing around trying to find something in there.

I kind of like surge but it has a huge cooldown and i still think ignite is better for me, especially when playing malz. Setting up his combo is hard enough as it is and surge breaks suppression so ignite is just better for it.

As an ap player i welcome people who are AD going mid, so i can show them who is boss :D. So far i think the new set of masteries are awesome and it gives more options and doesnt force AP players to go into utility.
Well I still don't have a clue about how I am supposed to choose what Masteries will make me super-dooper, but I didn't know before either, lol. I probably should get online sometime when you guys are on and you can give me some guidance.

I have only played a handful of games this week and they have all been with the newest batch of free characters and I must say, Brand is pretty wild! Must have a bit of inner Pyromaniac in me...

I'm a bit sad that Caitlyn, who I fell in love with last week (in game that is) is no longer on the free to play list due to the weekly rotation. :( I guess I need to start saving up some points for awhile. I like her almost as much as I like Kayle.

Luvdiscgolf (a.k.a. Fidoc in game)
Surge I think is only useful to people who can use both stats. Pure casters will still want Ignite, since a few hundred True damage (and Grievous Wound) is almost always better than the little extra magic damage from AP, and pure AD characters will want Exhaust/Flash/Ghost/(smite)/etc.

Kayle, Teemo, KOG'MAW, Jax, Kennen, TF, and amusingly Cho'Gath etc should all be able to use it fairly well.