The person below me...

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False. I beat Mirakle hehe

The person below me wishes they could play WOW at work with people from work heh
True. Heck, the person below you wishes he could get paid solely for playing WoW at work with people from work. =)

The person below me is allergic to cats.
False...although I did play a whole bunch of the games when they first came out and watched the tv shows too. I'm a dork.

The person below me loves watching Japanese animes in their own language with subtitles.
False. I like Veggietales.

The person below me has mixed up peanutbutter and jelly in a bowl and eaten it with a spoon.
True - add coco crispies into the mx and it is awesome!

The person below me has met 3 or more members of the guild IRL.
False - Unless you count family members who are not your spouse and child. I did meet Papatoad.

The person below me has more family members in the guild then I (I have 6 family members in the guild).
False, I could never get my family to touch this game.

The person below me has used auctioneer and thinks its the best mod ever for this game.
tralse- best ever is a stretch

The person below me has been thrown up on by a spouse, a child and a pet but not all at the same time.

The person below me is wondering if anybody would actually admit to stepping into left behind manure bare footed.
False - I'll admit to it. (And I dont' recommend it...)

The person below me has lived in more than 4 states/provinces.
True - Ohio, North Carolina, South Carolina and Michigan....soon might be Arizona.

The person below me knows what it is like to feel the hand of God pull them from the abyss and bring them back into the light.
True to the 10th degree...but that is a totally different story.

The person below me has had an episode in which they thought they could communicate with a squirel.
Squirrels can be deadly when cornered you know.....

Have to say false, even with my good imagination.

The person below me talks and answers him/her self.
True. And I have in fact bit into a Dorset Naga pepper. It was beautiful.

The person below me wouldn't be against using Standard US Grade Pepper Spray (2,000,000 - 5,000,000 scoville units) as a breath freshener.
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