The Perfection of Mary

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Gods_Peon @ Nov. 09 2003,11:56)]Leo, I am glad to see you took it positively.

In all honesty, I came to a small understanding in the last few days.  And that is, it is not my job to change a heart.  A heart can only change through the Holy Spirit.  So, I don't prupose to convert you to the "other side."  Rather, challange your ideas.  And irregardless of your answer, so long as you gave it honestly, leave it as it.

To continue to argue a point over and over and over again is pointless (IMO) as it more often then not builds walls, not roads.

Its not my job to beat you over the head becasue of an answer you give.  If how you have aligned your faith (or me for that matter) is not what Jesus wanted, the Holy Spirit will convicted us and cause us to come to change on an individual and personal basis.
So you want to change a Heart.

Your job will not be done until you can do the following:

1)  Convince everyone that the Law no longer applies and that Sin is now Free.

2) That Salvation is not possible without Hating The Blessed Virgin.

3)  That Paul came after Christ and is thus The Final and Greater Word of God

If only you could do that you could rest easy with a job well done.  And Satan would give you a warm hug and say "You've done well my Son".
Dear 4top,

My! What a nasty tone you are copping. You think being nasty to Leo is the best way of telling Leo not to be nasty? I've had alot of practice -- I don't think you could keep up.

Anyway, you're reply to my wondering how the Worst People become Bishop is some sneery off the point remark. What is all that about? You don't know either! You are criticizing me for not understanding a system that you apparently don't understand either, and which is not explained anywhere. You're comment is that if I didn't have such a big attitude problem, I could just blow off Episcopal Incompetiancy just like everyone else. "Geez, Leo, if you would lose yourself in Prayer like a good Catholic you wouldn't be complaining all the time about all this Real Stuff!" That's Great, 4top. Was that your position on the Pedophile Issue?
Dear 4top,

What is it about Catholics on line. It seems they are only interested in pointing out how I am not a Catholic.

So, when the Catholic Church is losing Membership left and right, the most important thing these people think they can do is drive more Catholics away.

Christ said that when the Salt loses its taste it becomes good for nothing and must be thrown away. So, perhaps that is what the Catholic Church has come to -- it can no longer appeal to sinners but instead turns against its own membership. These are the signs that the days of the Roman Church, The Church of Paul, are numbered.

Now, as much as I criticize. I have never denied the right of another Catholic to take the Sacrament. Yet this is what all these On Line Catholics are insisting upon me. By questioning my Catholicism they wish to take the Holy Host out of my mouth. What will be their Judgment on that awful Day when they must stand before Christ with all their words and actions an open book? When all I've done is argue for Our Lady the Blessed Virgin, how enthusiastically will She advocate for you who only wanted to bar the doors against Her servants?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Leo Volont @ Nov. 10 2003,4:12)]  My! What a nasty tone you are copping.  You think being nasty to Leo is the best way of telling Leo not to be nasty?  I've had alot of practice -- I don't think you could keep up.
Why the threats?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Anyway, you're reply to my wondering how the Worst People become Bishop is some sneery off the point remark. What is all that about? You don't know either! You are criticizing me for not understanding a system that you apparently don't understand either, and which is not explained anywhere.

Why do you assume I don't understand the process?

Here's your explanation, Bishops are appionted by the Holy See, the Bishop of Rome.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ] "Geez, Leo, if you would lose yourself in Prayer like a good Catholic you wouldn't be complaining all the time about all this Real Stuff!" That's Great, 4top. Was that your position on the Pedophile Issue?

Not really sure where you're quote is from, however, my stance has always been that the priesthood is a refuge for gay men as you are required to not be married to be a Catholic Priest, if they would allow Priests to get married I feel they would one (1) eliminate a lot of the pedophile issues, (2) allow priests to better council the married couples [that is one of their tasks, do I need to provide you a link for that one too?].

So I too feel that their are problems in the Church. However, as you can see in the previous paragraph I have actually researched the problems and thought responses to how to deal with the problems instead of blaming Protestants for our problems.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]By questioning my Catholicism they wish to take the Holy Host out of my mouth.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]When all I've done is argue for Our Lady the Blessed Virgin, how enthusiastically will She advocate for you who only wanted to bar the doors against Her servants?

Yes that is all you've done, perpetuate the myth that Catholic's place Mary next to God as some sort of deity and not simply as a reveered(sp?) figure which she is. I don't care what religion you are Leo I simply don't think that you know as much about the Church as you claim, all you do is complain about it with no support for your complaints and no fixes for the problems except it's the Protestants fault. I was angered when I first came into this forum because of the seeming bashing that was being done on the Catholic Church by the Protestants on the board, Honestly after seeing how you're portraying I can't blame them. I'm only asking you to pick up the Catechism and read it, if you have problems you can talk to your local priest and get involved in the Church and maybe try to help instead of sitting at your computer complaining about Protestants and threatening me on this board ...
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Leo Volont @ Nov. 10 2003,3:01)]So you want to change a Heart.

Your job will not be done until you can do the following:

1)  Convince everyone that the Law no longer applies and that Sin is now Free.

2) That Salvation is not possible without Hating The Blessed Virgin.

3)  That Paul came after Christ and is thus The Final and Greater Word of God

If only you could do that you could rest easy with a job well done.  And Satan would give you a warm hug and say "You've done well my Son".
That is not what I said. Its not even close, its not even a twisting of what I said. You simple choose some words out of thin air.

That was blatant disrespect, totally uncalled for and childish.

Grow UP!
Dear 4top,

You say nothing useful.

You take sides against Our Lady.

You take sides against me.

You snuggle up to our Persecutors. You will lick the hands of the Antichrist.

Now, in Christ's criteria that he will spit out the lukewarm and the insipid, how will He choose between you and me? Did Christ attempt to make peace with the Pharisees, or did he dog them at every step until He pushed them into a corner and for their very survival had to have Him Crucified? But you sit at their table and comfort them, telling them that they are right, and that your co-religionists are wrong, and that no one ever really meant it when they said that Mary was Coronated King of Heaven, and that we only exaggerate when we say that the Hosts of Angels Sing Her Praise. And you dare to imply that the Host should be taken from me.

You are a Catholic dipped in Orange Paint. Troll!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Gods_Peon @ Nov. 10 2003,1:33)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Leo Volont @ Nov. 10 2003,3:01)]So you want to change a Heart.

Your job will not be done until you can do the following:

1)  Convince everyone that the Law no longer applies and that Sin is now Free.

2) That Salvation is not possible without Hating The Blessed Virgin.

3)  That Paul came after Christ and is thus The Final and Greater Word of God

If only you could do that you could rest easy with a job well done.  And Satan would give you a warm hug and say "You've done well my Son".
That is not what I said.  Its not even close, its not even a twisting of what I said.  You simple choose some words out of thin air.

That was blatant disrespect, totally uncalled for and childish.

Grow UP!
Dear Peon,

So I am supposed to find some nice warm and fuzzy way to say that you are spreading the filth of Satan and aiding and abetting the Antichrist?

It looks like you are the one who is crying. You should grow up.

I said I was not willing to pick a fight with you.  And that if either you or I were actually wrong in how we aligned our faith, the Holy Spirit would convict us and that we would change according to the spirit, not because anything you or I could say.

And I would dearly challenge you to find where in these entire boards I ever said I was a practicing Protestant or Roman Catholic. Or, where I ever said that you were completely wrong, or off your rocker.

In my own recollection, I never did any such thing.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Leo Volont @ Nov. 10 2003,7:47)]Dear 4top,

You say nothing useful.

You take sides against Our Lady.

You take sides against me.

You snuggle up to our Persecutors.  You will lick the hands of the Antichrist.  

Now, in Christ's criteria that he will spit out the lukewarm and the insipid, how will He choose between you and me?  Did Christ attempt to make peace with the Pharisees, or did he dog them at every step until He pushed them into a corner and for their very survival had to have Him Crucified?  But you sit at their table and comfort them, telling them that they are right, and that your co-religionists are wrong, and that no one ever really meant it when they said that Mary was Coronated King of Heaven, and that we only exaggerate when we say that the Hosts of Angels Sing Her Praise.  And you dare to imply that the Host should be taken from me.  

You are a Catholic dipped in Orange Paint.  Troll!
You sir are off your rocker, nothing useful? I answered your question, I don't stand against Mary I revere her as the Church says we should, Thanks for saying that I'm in with AntiChrist, and I don't really remember Christ going after the Pharisees I remember him answering their questions when they attacked him

The Catholic dipped in orange paint comment? You gotta be kidding, my blood is orange I'm a Clemson Tiger so I'm not gonna take that poorly and I don't mind being called a Troll either b/c I'm not sure why it matters, way to resort to name calling though when you're wrong and don't want to admit it ;D
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Gods_Peon @ Nov. 10 2003,9:36)]No.

I said I was not willing to pick a fight with you.  And that if either you or I were actually wrong in how we aligned our faith, the Holy Spirit would convict us and that we would change according to the spirit, not because anything you or I could say.

And I would dearly challenge you to find where in these entire boards I ever said I was a practicing Protestant or Roman Catholic.  Or, where I ever said that you were completely wrong, or off your rocker.

In my own recollection, I never did any such thing.
Dear Peon

Centuries transpire with billions of people dying professing false beliefs, but for some reason, the Holy Spirit is going to pick you out and specifically correct you because you are so special.

There is a story in Hinduism of the New Monk who was convinced that God would always save him. One day he was meditating under a tree and a shout came out from the Jungle "Bull Elephant on the Rampage! Run for you life". The New Monk just sat there under the Bodhi Tree and figured that 'God will always save me'. Well, the elephant ran up and was infuriated at the monk for simply being human while it was on a Rampage and grabbed him with its trunk and tossed him 50 feet in the air and he came down and broke both legs and his clavicle.

Later the New Monk's Guru visited him in the Hospital and the Monk complained that he thought God would always save him. The Guru said, "Well, you should have listened to God when He shouted His Warning from the Jungle".

You are waiting for the Holy Spirit. But you have already been given your warning.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (4t0p @ Nov. 11 2003,1:57)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Leo Volont @ Nov. 10 2003,7:47)]Dear 4top,

You say nothing useful.

You take sides against Our Lady.

You take sides against me.

You snuggle up to our Persecutors.  You will lick the hands of the Antichrist.  

Now, in Christ's criteria that he will spit out the lukewarm and the insipid, how will He choose between you and me?  Did Christ attempt to make peace with the Pharisees, or did he dog them at every step until He pushed them into a corner and for their very survival had to have Him Crucified?  But you sit at their table and comfort them, telling them that they are right, and that your co-religionists are wrong, and that no one ever really meant it when they said that Mary was Coronated King of Heaven, and that we only exaggerate when we say that the Hosts of Angels Sing Her Praise.  And you dare to imply that the Host should be taken from me.  

You are a Catholic dipped in Orange Paint.  Troll!
You sir are off your rocker, nothing useful? I answered your question, I don't stand against Mary I revere her as the Church says we should, Thanks for saying that I'm in with AntiChrist, and I don't really remember Christ going after the Pharisees I remember him answering their questions when they attacked him

The Catholic dipped in orange paint comment? You gotta be kidding, my blood is orange I'm a Clemson Tiger so I'm not gonna take that poorly and I don't mind being called a Troll either b/c I'm not sure why it matters, way to resort to name calling though when you're wrong and don't want to admit it ;D
You know, if you have nothing to say, just say it!
guys knock off the name calling.trolls, licking anti christ? huh? when are we going to resort to calling eachother poopy pants?
Leo please find the verse where angels sing for Mary.

There are plentry supporting them singing for God who is truly worthy.
Sorry I meant seraphim this is the passage I was thinking of

Isa 6:1 In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.

Isa 6:2 Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly.

Isa 6:3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, [is] the LORD of hosts: the whole earth [is] full of his glory.
I think cherubim sing too but I am not sure. God is worthy of all praise and he is the only one that the heavenly host will sing to. Mary will sing and bow before Yeshua so will you Leo. But will you do it willingly or because God forces you too? Do it willingly and everything will be much better for you.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Guest @ Nov. 08 2003,5:30)]
And then we can see that Mary had to be Perpetually Virgin or Christ would not be God.  Mary had to be Immaculately Conceived so that She could be the New Eve -- the Spiritual Woman that God had originally Created to procreate the New Angels.  The Christ could not be born out of the Animal Nature of Original Sin.  I suspect that Mary did not have animal genitalia -- that Her organs of generation were internal and spiritual.
Wow...okay. Mary was a virgin when Christ was conceived. Why does that mean that she had to be a virgin forever? Christ was already born, after all.
Besides, what about the verses that talk about Jesus's (half)brothers??? Like James??

The BEST Roman Catholic Bible does NOT imply she stayed a virgen forever.
St. Matthew 1:25 "And he KNEW her not till she brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS."
Problem solved by THE  Roman Catholic Bible, THE DOUAY.
i am nothing0.