The Perfect Poison


New Member
Hey all. Not sure how many of you have this quest, but it has some great rewards to pick from. It originates from Silithus. Two venom sacs are required, one from Venoxis in ZG (the first boss, which we have killed a number of times) and the other from Kurinnaxx in AQ-20 (first boss). I would really like to get the sac from AQ-20. How feasable is going after the first boss there? I am not asking that we give up on ZG or divide our efforts, but would love to get Doomulus Prime as reward for completing it.

Those who do not have this quest yet could pick it up in Silithus and then we could help each other with a relatively simple quest.


Grym / Merril

Edit for spelling and muddled thought pattern ... boy I really need some sleep. :)
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Well, if you want and people are willing I will set up a run for next Saturday, 7/8.
Maybe do an afternoon run??