the earth

DarthDapor said:
Oh, so what your tryin to say here is that corral just naturally grows into the shape of a wheel?

No, what I'm saying is that people WANT to see a wheel shape and will do so even though it's not really there.

Like seeing Jesus in a tortilla or the Virgin Mary in an oil slick.

Darth, did you actually read the article and see the images? If the people who were diving and took the video/pics couldn't definitively state it was a wheel, how can you?
Dunno I just heard it somewhere. But this is far from what your making out to be, this is not like somebody selling a three year old cheese sandwich on E-bay for millions because its shaped like the virgin Mary.
How much would a chunk of coral look like a wheel covered in coral? I'm thinking quite alot. If you've ever seen those documentaries where they lift cannon out of the sea then you'll know how much the shape of an object gets obsfucated by outgrowths.

In any event I'll believe if they LIFT it and scrape the coral off to show us a wheel.
DarthDapor said:
Dunno I just heard it somewhere. But this is far from what your making out to be, this is not like somebody selling a three year old cheese sandwich on E-bay for millions because its shaped like the virgin Mary.

That's why I posted the link so you could get the WHOLE story and not just second hand information.

Read the article and you will see just how much like the sandwich it is.
Eon said:
How much would a chunk of coral look like a wheel covered in coral? I'm thinking quite alot. If you've ever seen those documentaries where they lift cannon out of the sea then you'll know how much the shape of an object gets obsfucated by outgrowths.

In any event I'll believe if they LIFT it and scrape the coral off to show us a wheel.

That's exactly why I posted the link, there's a pic of the "wheel" right there.

I don't know how much lifting they'll be doing. Egyptian authorities aren't too keen on things like that these days.
Just jumping in here and reading some of the different posts.

Eon said:
You will not see the entire of an Army comprised of thousands of men, horses, camels, chariots and so on just plain disappear because they sank into a swamp.

You especially won't see a Pharoah left to rot in a shallow swamp without some attempt to find the body. Remember that they thought that the body contained essential elements of the soul and spirit that needed recovering in order for a successful transition to the afterlife?

They did not go through a swamp, they went through a body of water. Everybody saw what happened to the bodies in Indonesia from the great Tsunami that went through there. They floated and started to rot. So that would lead me to believe that most if not all the bodies floated to the surface, then likewise to the shore, where they were eaten by various animals. The Israelites collected the weapons for there own use, so there would be no trace of those left to find. As for the armor made of gold and other precious metals, im sure it was picked up too.

Eon said:
I've read that some scholars believe they've proved the existence of Israelites in Egypt at about the right time. Mind you, it involves shifting the 19th dynasty to the 13th dynasty. It also involves some VERY sketchy archaelogical evidence that could point at a multitude of events.

Eon said:
It also doesn't explain how over 600,000 israelites supposedly walked through the desert without leaving a single verifiable trace of passage.
There were more like 3 million Israelites and they weren't all Israelites. Some of the egyptians went with them. As for evidence, the desert is scattered with markers left behind from the 40 years of wandering.
ChickenSoup said:
Indeed... I would like to read on this but... ;)

Ugh, you're right, I didn't.

BUT, I do have a reason :)

Drapor said, "Yeah besides I heard that divers hov actually recovered items from Pharoah's lost army. Not sure where I heard it, but as DV once said: "A quick google search should clear this up."

Naturally I assumed that he had actually read the article.

Although I don't understand why he thinks it would be pointless to actually READ the the article that he commented on.

Here's the link that includes the picture of the "wheel":
Arkanjel said:
They did not go through a swamp, they went through a body of water. Everybody saw what happened to the bodies in Indonesia from the great Tsunami that went through there. They floated and started to rot. So that would lead me to believe that most if not all the bodies floated to the surface, then likewise to the shore, where they were eaten by various animals. The Israelites collected the weapons for there own use, so there would be no trace of those left to find. As for the armor made of gold and other precious metals, im sure it was picked up too.

You may want to rethink that...

The "Red Sea" by which Moses led Israelites on their exodus from Egypt was not the body of water now called the Red Sea. The Hebrew word is Yam Suph, meaning "Sea of Reeds." It is now believed that the Sea of Reeds "was perhaps located at the S extension of the present Lake Mensaleh." (The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible, Volume 4, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1962, page 21)

G. Ernest Wright (Biblical Archeology, Abridged Edition, Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1960, page 38) writes,

...They chose 'the way of the wilderness by the Reed Sea' (Ex.13.18) This, and not 'Red Sea', is the correct rendering of the Hebrew Yam Suph, and it is highly improbable that we should identify it with the northern arm of the Red Sea known today as the Gulf of Suez. In the first place there are no reeds in the Red Sea. in the second place the biblical account implies that the Reed Sea was the barrier between Egyptian soil and the desert: if the Red Sea were meant, it would have been necessary to cross a considerable traact of desert to get to it. In a text describing the wonders of Rameses-Tanis, however, mention is made of a 'Papyrus Marsh' near the city, a name which immediately recalls the biblical 'Reed Sea'. Thus the crossing was made not far from Rameses. This is confirmed by the identification of Baal-zephon (Ex.14.2) with Tahpanhes, the modern Tell Defneh, in the same region, on the basis of a Phoenician letter which mentions the god 'Ball-zephon and all the gods of Tahpanhes'. The reference in the account of Exodus willl be to the town which contains the temple of this god.

There were more like 3 million Israelites and they weren't all Israelites. Some of the egyptians went with them. As for evidence, the desert is scattered with markers left behind from the 40 years of wandering.

Sources? :)

What markers are you referring to?

No one ever, in this thread or others, answered something that I found in my science book Matter and Motion (A Beka Book curriculum)... it seems that tear enzyme science says that chickens, not monkeys, are our closest relatives.
Yes, lovely artical that is.
Just want to say this: God says in the Bible He created the earth in six days, evolution says it took billions of years. Personally I believe what the Bible says to be true over anything evolutionists say.
Another bit of interesting info here is that the sun loses about a foot of its mass per day, if the earth is indeed millions of years old. Than obviously the earth would have been fried in the heat.
Would you mind citing your source regarding the loss of mass?

I was under the impression that the sun loses 4 million tons of mass each second due to the fusion reaction of turning 600,000,000 tons of hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei every second.

Now, how, exactly, does that lead to the earth frying in the heat?

Also, do you believe God created everything in six, literal, 24 hour days? Or do you believe that "days" are an indeterminable amount of time?
Oh Ha Ha! It says days in the Bible, and I'm sure when Moses wrote Genesis he was aware of the length of "days".
By the way isn't obvious if the sun has been burning for billions of years than the earth would hov been scorched millions of years before this post. Thus making it impossible to sustain life, and I think I'm alive right now so I don't think that the earth is millions of years old.
You are under the mistaken assumption that the earth was created at the same time as the sun.

Don't they go over this stuff in high school science anymore?

By the way, I asked you to cite your source above. Would you mind?
Well funny thing about that I think the earth and the sun were all made in the same week.
Also the source to that one, I'm sorry to say is confidential. You'll just hov to take my word for it!:D
Dark Virtue said:
You are under the mistaken assumption that the earth was created at the same time as the sun.

Don't they go over this stuff in high school science anymore?

By the way, I asked you to cite your source above. Would you mind?

No, they don't go over this stuff in science because no teachers can examine evolution to creation without getting sued by the ACLU or something. ;)
ChickenSoup said:
No, they don't go over this stuff in science because no teachers can examine evolution to creation without getting sued by the ACLU or something. ;)

That's because creationism isn't supported by physical science.

It is a philosophy. Big difference.
I'll have to agree with DV even after half a year of my absence from this forum :D

Besides, the sun (not light, but the sun) was not created until the fourth "day", which could mean anything from 24 hours to two galactic cycles to two universal revolutions. Genesis 1:16 "God made two great lights--the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night."

When God said "let there be light", it doesn't necessarily mean the sun was created then. Light waves were created, or at least the very concept of "light", which is very ambiguous.

I personally fail to see why creationism and evolution are mutually exclusive. God can create and guide evolution, or evolution can evolve by itself.
That's because creationism isn't supported by physical science.

It is a philosophy. Big difference.
And evolution IS supported by physical science? MACRO - which they teach.

I just thought of something. If you don't believe in macro evolution, and don't believe in creation, how do you think we (humans) came into existence?