Thank you Guild Leaders - Officers - Raid Leaders - Others


I just want to take this time to formally thank all of our leadership for being such loving godly people who really sacrifice so much of their own play time, who let people vent their frustrations on them, and work very hard to make things work for a lot of different people.

Your dedication and committment to Christ is a testimony, your heart for the guild is an encouragement, and your servant leadership is inspiring.

You are greatly appreciated!
Nobody responded on here but thanks very much Pneuma. It's always good to hear that we are doing a good job for everyone.

I definitely want to encourage anyone that has a problem in the guild to come to any of the officers or leaders. We want to hear what's going on so we can try to remedy the situation and not let it fester. We have been very grateful to help everyone and serve as Guild Leaders. This has been a really great time for myself personally and also very enlightening. We have so many members, we want to try and please as many as possible.

Again many thanks to you Pneuma, Sambeau and all the others that have expressed words of encouragement to us throughout the year. Redeemed has been such a great place for me over the years.

God Bless all of you,

Thanks for your encouragement, you always seem to brighten up the day.
I love how God always uses you in that way.
Very kind words that are deeply appreciated. =] Like Cass said, I would like to encourage all guild members to come to us if they have any issues or concerns. We would like to make this guild as comfortable and suited for every single member we have. Our entire officer team is always in the best interests of the members and I know each of us work very hard to keep this environment as helpful as possible in gaming, personal, and spiritual ways.

Just remember fellow Redeemed members, we are here to help you, and your opinion is valued always. =]
