TF2 Tweaks


New Member
what tweaks do you guys run for TF2?

I found a list of tweaks I thought I'd share in case anyone wasn't aware of these. I have not personally tested all of these, so as always please save/backup any config files before making any drastic changes. If you have additional tweaks, feel free to add to the list! (settings in red) The purpose of these tweaks is to add to your FPS or get better registration of attacks, but your graphics quality will likely go down.

cl_interp 0
cl_interpolate 0 Might cause minor shakiness on your screen
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck 1 Checks for player position errors
cl_cmdrate 100 I've always used 100, some use 101, shouldn't make a difference
cl_updaterate 100 Same as above
cl_rate 20000
cl_smooth 0 Stops the game from feeling choppy
rate 25000
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0 Makes the models disappear once they are killed; saves CPU from rendering death animations
cl_phys_props_enable 0 Disables little cans/bottles that are rendered client side. Takes stress off CPU
mat_fastnobump 1
cl_show_splashes 0 Disables water splashes
mat_bumpmap 0 Disables bumpmapping
mat_specular 0 Disables specular (AKA no more shiny)
mp_decals 0 Disables decals
mat_picmip 2 This is the command that the in game "Texture Quality" setting changes: 0 = High 1 = Medium 2 = Low
r_decals 0 It says decals and you can't really see them in source anyway so lets turn it off
r_shadows 0 Even though they show through some parts of walls they are still useless
cl_ejectbrass 0 Disables bullet casings from flying out of your gun when you shoot
cl_phys_props_max 0 Sets range at which props show up

these all make blood show up better when you hit someone:

violence_agibs 1
violence_hgibs 1
violence_hblood 1
violence_ablood 1
cl_show_bloodspray 1
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I cannot remember the command (cl_interpolate??? IDK) so google it if you want but there is a command that any setting higher than .9? will cause problems with VAC (the anti-cheat part of TF2). It controls the alignment of the characters hitbox with the visual model. So if the alignment is off (which it is sometimes is, I've seen a video test with the scout) you will miss with your shots. Thing is people also use it to cheat by putting the visual model ahead of the hitbox allowing easier shots, with the sniper especially.
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