Team SoE PvP night Tueday 04-10-07 10pm Eastern


Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader
We will be running a Modded Iway here is a short list of what I need:

4 Iway Warriors (W/R) Template: OQIUEVJbRsESFqFtpGfzcXAA
3 Barrage/Pet ranger (R/Rit) Template: OggjchZsoKLGGraoWqtZYnAA
1 Orders Necro (N/Mo) Template: OANDQsNNHUyQc5j5MjkUAA

It is a lot of damge and relies on doing damage and hitting this to heal yourself. The orders Necro does have some Healing in an pinch but is mainly for itself.

Iway Warrior:

Axe warrior: Eviserate, Executioner's Strike, Distracting blow, Tiger's Fury, Charm Animal, Spirit Slot, Rez sig

Barrage/Pet Ranger:

Barrage,Splinter weapon, Savage Shot, Throw Dirt, Dodge, Charm Animal, Spirit slot, Rez Sig

Orders Necro:

Order of the Vampire, Order of Pain, Well of Blood, Heal Pary, Healing tough, Orison of healing, Infuse Health, Rez Sig
I can/will bring any of the three, but I work at the DQ that night, so I wont be home till a bit after 11pm Eastern, arg!
I doubt I'll be able to make it tonight, but let me know if this is what we will use Friday so I can grab those 3 skills.
^^^ Yea me either.

Is this a build you plan on using for awhile? I don't have any of those skills so I was wondering if it would be worthwhile to buy new skills etc. Which chars. do you tend to need the most?
Well right now it seems to be a good Fame farming build like it always has been. We went into HA 3 times last night testing it and came out with 5 fame. It is fun to run and see everyone calling us newbs and complaining about teamates when they lose. We desimated Searing flames, A rit Spike and a Balanced team I believe. People are not rdy to see 4 Warriors 3 Rangers with high damage lol!
I love it. IMO good balanced teams which rise to the higher levels can usually deal with IWAY just fine, but typical PUG groups and less-balanced (aka SF) teams you tend to come across on the first level will fall quickly and painfully to this build. Its undeniable fun, but I hope we will alternate it with more serious attempts at the hall. Dea and I will be there tonight - put Dea down to play a non-IWAY warrior and I will play whichever build.

i can play anything! :D

ya this build is a lot of fun! i might accualy have to start playing my warrior now.
I'll see how soon I can be on tonight. I owe my boss input for my annual performance evaluation (it was originally due 30Mar07). He's been pretty understanding up to this point, but it looks like I better not push my luck any further and I should take this work home with me.

I should be able to play any of those. I haven't checked the templates, but would guess that I have all the skills unlocked or have enough faction to unlock the last couple.