Team Arenas


Hi there.

Are there 3 other players out there that might be interested in forming a TA team that would meet regularly (at least once a week) to try TA. I'm looking for mid-level pvp players that I can run with and learn from.

I was going to wait to post this until i had a good team build worked up, but I'm not sure I'm even capable of posting a good viable build.

I don't think I'm a very good HA player and would like to get more experience in TA to develop my skills.
Great, I look forward to getting together with the two of you. Lumpen, I can really use your experience as well. I'm currently a rank 0 gladiator with only about 30 points. I just haven't played much in the arenas and would love to learn more.

What times are best for the two of you? I generally play in the evenings from 8-10pm EST.
6-whenever (CST) Monday-Friday. Pretty much anytime Saturday. However I'm currently typing this from a coffee shop because I'm back home (and my parents don't have internet...), so my online time is very short and erratic this week. I'll be back on my regular schedule after this weekend.