Stop Gnome hatred now!!


New Member
Well it has finally happened. We all have heard of gnome punting and have seen for ourselves or even participated in it. Some of us, have been victim to it. But finally it has gone to far and the gnomes have had enough.

Gnome Violence carried to far!

Now I urge all of you after reading this article to think before you show that gnome hatred. Think of those who have just fallen and rember gnomes are people to...just little.

I have emailed my personal letter of distaste and distain for this abborhant behavior to the Secertary of State of the United States of Gnomerica.
Hmm, Gnomerica. I like the sound of that. Where can we fit it in.... Maybe a strip between Canada and America, just sort of draw another line right across the top. Then we'll show those gnome haters! Nobody over 1' 6" can go through, over or under.