Stoneheart and Amoras returns from the world of dialup!!


W00t, just passing on that we should be seeing Stoneheart and Amoras after being absent for a little while til they moved into their new place AND getting their new high speed wireless connection. Looking forward to gaming with you two again shortly. Hook up to our teamspeak as most often then not, you'll find a bunch of us on.


Most of us are using our in-game name plus real name. i.e. Allanon - Adam (this goes in the Nickname field in TS)

Select anonymous and come on in!
I for one am VERY happy to see Brian & Jazzy return to the world of warcraft :). It's nice to see another husband/wife team in our guild, now they number in the high single digits :D lol. But seriously, they have been missed... we never like to 'lose' any of our members, even if it is temporarily.

/In quiet contemplation, Neirai mourns the loss of his ex-guildies.

On an aside, I have one other thing to say. Ammie, I beat you to 60. And here I thought that endeavor was sunk too.

Welcome back, you two!!! I look forward to dungeon crawls with our mighty "far north" duo!!!