Steam Trading Card beta


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
I've got 2 extra Steam Trading Card beta invites.

Who wants 'em?
Please, good sir, do tell me about this Steam Trading Card affair to which you have invites to offer.
Well, I was interested. I thought it'd be nice to see how it fares while playing Dota 2. Then I read this on the FAQ page:
Free to play games drop game cards based on your in-game purchasing. For every $9 USD spent (approximate) since the start of the Steam Trading Card Beta, you will earn one card drop.

I'm notably less interested for the time being in light of this. I still need to play Portal 2, though, and I do enjoy some CS:GO from time to time. If nobody is in a hurry to take you up on your offer, I'd appreciate a beta invite. I'm just not dying to get in on it with particular haste.
Beta invites have become almost the new DOTA2 invite. There are many out there and they sell on the steam market for around a dime. Currently the cards that you get can be sold on the Steam Market for around a dollar or so each (TF2 cards are selling for around 35 cents). Not a lot of money but when you consider Steam's summer sale is coming up and how cheaply a lot of games go for it's actually a good way to get free money to pick up a few on sale games this summer.
Hmm. I do like free money to use on Steam sales. >.>

If these invites turn out to be like Dota2 invites and become so numerous one cannot even give them away, then I'm sure I'll get one sooner than later. That said, I would like one should you feel so inclined to send me one. ^_^ Just saw in the Steam group that Borderlands 2 is being added to the program. I'm sure I'll be considerably more interested as more games get added to it. I was just initially disheartened by the prospect of having to pay to earn cards in Dota2.
You earn half the cards for just playing. After that in TF2 and Dota2 you pay to earn more cards. Games that are not F2P currently have no way of getting new cards.

Other than enhancements to your steam profile page, there is no real benefit for cards or the badges (and profile themes and chat icons) you get from crafting together a full set. Most people I know get their free cards and then sell them.

There appears to be a lot of complaining in the steam forums about the card drop not resetting so that may change but I doubt it.

Apparently, I'm now in the beta too. Hooray! lol

Edit: And I got a couple invites to share already.
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Still got 2 Steam Trading Cards beta invites.

Also got some duplicates of a few TF2 trading cards--Scout and Soldier, I think.