Star Wars The Old Republic

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My plans lie with the Dark Side first. Depending upon whether I play the game very long or not, I may eventually choose the Other Side.

But I will not under any conditions play a Jedi. They are, seemingly as a whole, completely incapable of anything resembling intelligence, and anything that happens to them is usually their own fault. :D
However large our community may currently be, I do not feel that it is big enough to risk splitting it from the get-go by having two separate guilds launch simultaneously. It would be better if we started one guild, gave it long enough to establish a firm foundation, and then started a second guild primarily for alts and rerolls.

-We don't want any of that Jedi, moral relativity nonsense! Moral absolutism for the win, and the Empire provides!
True. Even the "light" side is not aligned with Christian values. Jesus displays righteous anger in the New Testament. We are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves. Many Christians exclusively love one spouse for life as an image of Christ's love for the church.

While some aspects of the Jedi creed as represented in the Star Wars movies (I'm not familiar enough with the extended universe to weigh in on anything but the movies) are consistent with how Christians are called to live our lives, many are not.

-It might be that the people on the "evil side" could use some more exposure to us and the way we do things, as long as we are Christians playing MMOs, it is our responsibility to be living witnesses, and the "other" side should see us too
I see your point, but this concept is a very dangerous one.

I'm reminded of a simple (if not oversimplistic and possibly condescending) illustration of one person standing on a chair and another person standing on the ground. It is easier for the person on the ground to pull the person standing in the chair down than it is for the person in the chair to pull the person on the ground up.

It may be a clumsy analogy, but the point is that we must be careful where we go and to what lengths we will go to reach the lost. Yes, Jesus ate with sinners, but he stayed out of brothels. (While I'm not familiar enough with the culture of Jesus' time to know if there were brothels in the area, I imagine there very likely were.)

I'm not saying rolling a Dark side character is anything like visiting a brothel. I'm just warning that wisdom and prudence must be exercised if we are to be effective in our efforts to communicate the Gospel not just through words but through deed.

This is a bit off topic, but I think you might be taking those commands the wrong way, at least if am interpreting pacifist the right way. The language of those commands indicates that Christ refers more to personal enemies than political ones, i.e. more the guy from the office who makes your life miserable than nation against which your own is fighting.
While I agree, I think it's best if we started a separate thread if forum members are interested in discussing this point further. It's one of the consistently controversial topics in some Christian circles and non-essential to the faith, so I don't have an issue with forum members discussing it. I just don't want to de-rail this thread.

Incorrect. While the Burning Legion / Deathwing / the Lich King may be the "true" bad guys, the Horde are naught but a rabble of vicious animal who must be destroyed!
Sounds like someone plays an Alliance character. :D

I think it is a mistake to assume that the video game industry ever enjoyed a higher degree of moral rectitude than other aspects of the industry. The simple fact is that it just grew up.

Whereas earlier games were sold more as toys for children, they are now marketed to all ages, and with that, unsurprisingly, has come the rise of the kind of morally objectionable content that people who have outlived the innocence of youth desire.
Console games, perhaps, but not PC games. Super Mario Bros. released in 1985 (1984 in Japan). The first Leisure Suit Larry title was released in 1987.

It seems oversimplistic to present two titles as each representing points on the "mature content" spectrum, but any further writing would drive me to Wikipedia and I don't want to risk getting sucked in to reading a string of articles about the early computer games industry. :)

My plans lie with the Dark Side first. Depending upon whether I play the game very long or not, I may eventually choose the Other Side.
In this thread, I've read some references to the Dark side and Light side and some references to the Empire. What exactly are the factions in SW: TOR?

While I would agree that gathering a group of Sith characters (at least, based on my limited understanding of the Sith) to form a Christian guilds seems contrary, I could see an argument for a Christian guild playing as Empire characters--especially before the Empire was corrupted in events leading up to Episode IV of Star Wars.

It seems unlike BioWare to give players a morally unambiguous choice when it comes to choosing factions in a major MMO title. I wouldn't expect them to paint a big "Good Guys" sign on one faction and a big "Bad Guys" sign on the other.

I still agree we should base the first guild on whatever faction is generally regarded as the "Good Guys," like we have before. If SW: TOR is as successful as many people think it will be, there'll be plenty of time for a second guild later on.
Okay, I just visited the SW: TOR web site and after skimming the articles on the game's setting and the Sith Empire, I agree that we should start a Galactic Empire faction guild first.
My short input is that I would prefer Galactic empire. I may try some Sith characters eventually out of curiosity, but I'll primarily be on the good side of things.

If you want to live on the fringe, play a smuggler ;)
Woot now we just got to sway Erik. We need a Christian influence in the dark places, Erik, cmon and lead us there! :p)
Actually with the dialogue choices... we could be the good Bad guys! :D
Please, don't allow this decision to upset you. Let's not start off what should be a very fun experience with drama that will cause hard feelings between brothers.

I would ask one thing of everyone who wants to play this game. Be supportive of whatever is decided. We still have plenty of time till the game comes out. So far TeK seems to have said two or three times already that we will start off as the Galactic Empire. Already one person has said if we don't play the Sith, they will not play with us. That's fine if you want to make that decision.

I am going to make that same stand myself. I will lead a Galactic guild, because that is what I want to do, and will provide me with the most satisfaction and fun. If you would not enjoy playing the Light side, that is really ok. Make your decision based on what is most important to you and give you the best experience you can have, after all, it will be your money you are spending. If the story and faction is a higher priority to you than unifying ToJ members under one banner, than by all means roll Sith and find a good group of guys who will play with you.

Ewok if you want to play Sith, we still have MW2 to hang. I usually make time to play a couple hours a night with my brother on xbox, whether its Halo or MW.

So let me just be real clear. We will be rolling a Galactic Empire/Light Side guild first. If you can't wait for an alt Sith guild to be formed, than go Sith first and roll an alt with us.

Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who, this is supposed to be a happy occasion.
I'm confused... Isn't the Light-side the Republic and the dark-side the Empire? When I saw Empire in "Galactic Empire" I mistook it for the Dark side. Oh well, I will stop posting in regards to this issue since it seems settled ;)

Gah I need to brush up on my terms...
Galactic Republic
Galactic Empire
New Republic
Galactic Alliance
Rebel Alliance
Sith Empire

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But wasn't the Death Star the Galactic Empire's creation? Didn't Darth Vader lead the Galactic Empire troops against the rebel forces?
But wasn't the Death Star the Galactic Empire's creation? Didn't Darth Vader lead the Galactic Empire troops against the rebel forces?
Star Wars: The Old Republic is set over 3,500 years before the events of Episode IV.

I think you're a bit confused here:

The Good:

-The Old / Galactic Republic: Most of the galaxy up until the events of SW episode III - Lawful Good
-The Rebellion: Members of the republic who objected to the formation of the Galactic Empire - Chaotic Good

The Bad:

-The Sith Empire: various iterations of the Sith / Dark Jedi formed into an imperialistic sovereignty, always ancient relative to the movies - Lawful Evil
-The Galactic Empire: The remains of the Old Republic after Palpatine had the Jedi massacred and consolidated all the powers of the republic to his own office - Lawful Evil
I think you're a bit confused here:

The Good:

-The Old / Galactic Republic: Most of the galaxy up until the events of SW episode III - Lawful Good
Gah. I meant to type "Galactic Republic," not "Galactic Empire."

I went ahead and fixed my original post but left the quote unaltered.

-The Sith Empire: various iterations of the Sith / Dark Jedi formed into an imperialistic sovereignty, always ancient relative to the movies - Lawful Evil
Fair enough. I'm not that familiar with D&D alignments, so I was making something of an educated guess. :)
It is expected that a sith apprentice will betray and murder his/her master...that is not lawful evil, it is chaotic evil at best. The sith hold no code of honor per se. You can see this in the main event so far in SWTOR, the sacking of Coruscant. The Sith agreed to a peace treaty with the Republic, and while the peace talks were being conducted, they launched an assault on Coruscant and destroyed the Jedi temple...that is evil, and not lawful.
It is expected that a sith apprentice will betray and murder his/her master...that is not lawful evil, it is chaotic evil at best. The sith hold no code of honor per se. You can see this in the main event so far in SWTOR, the sacking of Coruscant. The Sith agreed to a peace treaty with the Republic, and while the peace talks were being conducted, they launched an assault on Coruscant and destroyed the Jedi temple...that is evil, and not lawful.

I can't believe I'm going to be nerdy enough to continue this discussion, but I'm going to have to disagree.

While the individual Sith might indeed resemble a chaotic neutral alignment in their motivations, you have to remember that the system they create around themselves is indeed very rigidly ordered, and it is that order that is the essence of a lawful alignment.

Compare the Republic and the Empire. The Empire bring the rule of law in much greater force than the Republic ever does. While the Republic can barely reign in its countless bickering members, the Empire sets all of theirs in line, and within a more clearly defined hierarchical system.

Even the Sith themselves act within a fairly rigid system of behavior. The obedience to their masters, and the order that the establish all points to a lawful evil alignment. Event the ultimate surpassing and and destruction of their masters exists as a part of their system. Individual Sith may be chaotic, but as a collective, they are indeed lawful.

The rigid order that defines the Empire is, for me at least, a large part of its appeal as a faction.
hahah this does reek of nerdyness but its a pretty entertaining thread. Then again, I am a nerd and have ewok in my username...
In reference to the Jedi supposedly being lawful I would just like to point a line from Star Wars episode III. Obi Wan- 'Only a Sith believes in absolutes!'. You can't exactly be lawful when you don't even believe in absolutes. So while I usually enjoy playing the 'good guys' in video games, the Jedi's relativistic pacifist nonsense just isn't my cup of tea. We should totally go Dark Side :D.
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