Splinter Cell 2


New Member
Anyone a big fan of Tom Clancy, and his hit "Splinter Cell"? I absolutely love that game...and I plan on getting the next series.

Anyone else plan on getting it, and would you be interested in the MP?

Anyone alive out there? This is the first post since March 4.

I've played the first for GCN. I must agree, it is an awsome game. I almost beat it, but I had to return it. ( Only rented it. ) Can't wait for the sequal.
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Anyone else plan on getting it, and would you be interested in the MP?
It has multiplayer? Sweet!
Yes, it's supposed to have like 2 vs 2 or 4 vs 4 where one is the Splinter Cell, and the other is a mercenary who hunts the Splinter Cell with all the neat toys from the game.

I think one of my favorite tools is that diversion camera. You can have it omit some noises (which is funny in itself) and attracts the guards attention. Once he's nearby, release the gas and knock him out. Sweet!
The best part is sneaking up behind a guy, grabbing him, and using him as a human sheild.
I loved the original, bought it for PC, which was better then the console versions graphically. The second one I am definetely getting, for PC when its out, so it will have the online multiplayer like the Xbox will. GCN, and more then likely Ps2, will probably not have the MP online..
Too many games man.
I only recently got into Splinter Cell, and it was tough, because I'm not use to having to deal with being stealthy in a game all the time, but I now find it a refreshing change, makes my brain work again rather than relying a "twitch" skills. Really interested in the multiplayer for SC2 as well, but I just can't do it. Too many other games on the go, like UT2K4.
After reinstalling the demo 2 times in order to get it to work, all I have to say is Ubisoft sux0rz
I'm sure the PC version is pretty awesome, but I've only played it for the Xbox. My opinion of the xbox version is that the game is incredible and I think it's probably one of the best multiplayer games out. A definite must own game.
I've been playing Splinter Cell 2, and it's still pretty sweet - loving every minute of it!

I think Ubisoft is an EXCELLENT company - they just put out "Far Cry" which is gonna get mad raves and sweet reviews. Try the demo for yourself.
PS - the multiplayer demo just came out. I'm sorta playing around with it on my own, just figuring out the map. I hear the online play is *fierce*, a lot of pros knocking the newbs for not being on top of their game. :p Still, the multiplay is totally unique, like nothing else out there.

Elite, I heard that the single player was really short compared to the first one. Thoughts?