So which side would it be?


Tribe of Judah Membership Administrator
The Gamespy WAR blog has me interested... but not enough to buy it just yet. Will it be Order or Chaos?:rolleyes:
i would be hard for three people to decide for whatever number we end up with in retail.

I think you can see by the activity this will be a larger guild with numbers between 50 - 100.
That is good. A group of 50 to 100 = DOMINATION!

okay, back to being a humble Christian (you know I am because I say I'm humble).
I am very proud of my humility. I am at least a level 70 Humble Human with 20 humility buffs (mostly through gaudy jewelry)
"Those who call themselves humble are nay humble at all." -- 2nd Opinions, Chapter 4:19
According to the redeemed WAR site they are only recruiting Order characters. So we have decided to go Order it seems. Does anyone know if it's possible to create both factions on one account on the same server?
Don't put too much credence into the site yet - those are placeholders until we make an official decision.

And you will be limited to a single faction per server once the game goes live.