So what is the deal with today's launch?


Active Member
Sorry if this was answered in another thread, but what are ToJ plans for the launch of retail? Will we have a new world? Whats the deal please?
Yes, 1.0 full release is expected today. We are testing a release candidate, with results in another thread. We have discovered that there is a bug making it difficult to log in on the first try (usually about the 4th or 5th attempt is successful). The /area was working fine, /visit and /warpmeto worked, but the /spawn and /warp commands were not.

I have just now installed a new wrapper, SimpleServer for RC1.0 that will hopefully fix the login, /spawn and /warp issues. The version of bukkit that we were testing was for 1.9pre-release. It did not seem to work, so I guess we're still waiting on it.

The official minecon coverage starts today at 5:30pm ET on IGN. Hope to hear about the official release soon after.
The plan was to use Psalms - which is where almost all TOJ people built. Not a new world at the moment. But who knows what will happen at first.
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Right, when we ran Psalms only 1 out of 8 ppl on Teamspeak were able to log in. When I created a new 1.0 world (cross), everyone was able to log in.