so long my brethren.


New Member
hey guys, just wanted to let you know ill be taking a break from the game( already kind of have). While my son was home from college i realized that perhaps i was spending too much time in game and not enough time doing other things.. i know ill probably be back because.......... I always do.. but for now i just need to do some things.

my sub runs out at end of January so ill be on before then in game to say goodbye.. This game has been more than a game for me, to be honest. Its why i stuck around soooo long... the friends and brothers and sisters in christ i have made in here are simply Amazing. You will always be my family. God bless you all. Thank you for always praying for me and laughing with me. i love you all to death. May the lord always bless you and keep you.
Sincerely, Skrubs.
Sad to see you go Skrubs, but it's always good to do real things with your family and such. Have good times always.
Heya Skrubs:

It has been an honour to play WoW with ya and it was great getting to know ya through the game. I always had a high amount of respect for ya cuz u seem genuine and authentic. Thanx for stepping up and helping out with the guild for a bit. I'm glad to hear that you're doing what u think is right.

By the way, u can make a trail account now and play to lvl 20 for free. I made a lvl 5 toon and I saw Angry in SW. I found a couple of other Redeemies, but I don't think they knew my toon. It's good to know that even though we may step away from game, we can still be around with the forums and trial accounts. :)

All the best bro. Hope u accomplish whatever goals in your life u feel u need to work on.
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Sounds like a good decision Skrubs! Always make sure you have your priorities straight.

The trial account sounds like a good idea, maybe I'll hop on and say hi from time to time...