Skill recommendations?


New Member
Hey guys, I'm wondering if anyone can offer some guidelines or builds for the skill trees in League of Legends. I keep playing around with them but really don't feel like I have a good handle on what I'm doing. I'm summoner level 13 or 14 now. I am looking for probably 3 or 4 skill tree loadouts:
Ranged damage dealer (Caitlynn, Ashe...)
Mage damage dealer (Brand, Aivia...)
Melee damage dealer (Kayle, Shen, Scion...)
Melee tank (Alistar, Poppy...)

I'm open to any ideas, thanks!

Also, I plan to be online for a couple hours this afternoon starting around 3pm-ish central time if anyone happens to be around. :)

Luvdiscgolf (a.k.a. Fidoc in game)
I'd also be interested in recommendations for mastery pages, but I'm still only level 20. I'm mostly interested in perfecting a mastery page for Morgana.