scientists try to explain buring bush, parted sea

If they are trying to explain away these occourances are not being miracles, does that mean they are accepting that they did happen?
No, they're probably just trying to posit the theory that such things needn't have been spiritually originated even if they had happened.


Personally I'd like to see Christians explain why there used to be water flowing on Mars (based on the latest evidence from the Rovers, finding spherule formations. It's not conclusive by any means, but the evidence keeps tinkling into place piece by piece, so I'd start practising what I was going to say if I was you.) and why we've detected a planet in another system whose atmosphere contains oxygen and carbon.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Eon @ Feb. 13 2004,11:28)]Personally I'd like to see Christians explain why there used to be water flowing on Mars (based on the latest evidence from the Rovers, finding spherule formations. It's not conclusive by any means, but the evidence keeps tinkling into place piece by piece, so I'd start practising what I was going to say if I was you.) and why we've detected a planet in another system whose atmosphere contains oxygen and carbon.
nowhere in the Bible, does it ever say that water didn't flow on Mars, nor that other planets weren't created with Oxygen/carbon atmospheres.

It doesn't even say that aliens don't exist.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Personally I'd like to see Christians explain why there used to be water flowing on Mars (based on the latest evidence from the Rovers, finding spherule formations. It's not conclusive by any means, but the evidence keeps tinkling into place piece by piece, so I'd start practising what I was going to say if I was you.) and why we've detected a planet in another system whose atmosphere contains oxygen and carbon.

This is really about as big a so-what as you get.  If there is a creator, you could expect to find such things.  If it all occoured by random accident, you still would expect to find these things.  I don't need to practice what I am going to have to say because they found water, which is made up of elements found everywhere in the universe, on another planet.  Or a nitrogen/oxygen, another set of universally available elements, as the primary atmosphere on another rock.

All you are saying is there is evidence out there Eon.  How you interpret that evidence is based on your own set of believes.  So what if they find water on Mars?  I guess that proves Odin never existed.
Heh, Eon, I have heard interesting theories linking Mars to the ancient world, possibly a place that demons once dwelt. It is rather interesting, if you ask me.

Just go do a google search for "Egypt Mars pyramids".

Some have even gone so far to say that Mars was once a heavenly dwelling place for angels, and that the "face" on Mars is a picture of Christ's face, and that the sphinx was influenced by that face, hence the sphinx is a picture of Christ, not of some pharaoh.

Rock the extreme theories.

All very good topics when you're bored on a Saturday night, though -_-

A thought on the actual topic at hand, though...

Everyday we see miracles. The way humans walk is a miracle -- we're phsyically imperfect and according to the laws of physics, we should all be falling over everywhere we go.

Water being formed into droplets of gas then falling into rain is yet another miracle.

Perhaps this is why our society has fallen into a degrading state of existence, because we've taken the miracles out of everyday life.

I find it a miracle that I didn't die on the way home today from class, some nutcase nearly hit me, only reason he didn't is because he ran off the road into a parking lot. Good timing on that, too, because a semi had just moved out of the way. Huh.

gg God.

My sister totaled 5 cars in the past like 3 yrs. some hyundai accents, and dodge neons. She wrapped em around trees. Head on collision of a ford explorer. She even totaled one by not keeping it up. Thats the only way I know God has something planned for her life, because its a miracle shes not dead. She isn't even hurt from any of em...
By denying that what He did were miracles is denying God's true power. God is not a liar, He said they were miracles, and they are miracles.
Well, I didn't get the memo so I missed the meeting where God told everyone these were miracles. I make a habit of not believing something merely on the basis that it was written down somewhere a long time ago - I suggest you apply the same standards.
So you say we should not believe the Bible simply because it was written down thousands of years ago..? If you say that, you deny that Jesus died, and that our religion is true.
No, bub, I deny that YOUR religion is true. There's no OUR about it. If you choose to believe, that's one thing, but if you choose to do so based solely on a book that was given you, and not through independent thought and research - well...
Religions are all based on faith alone. You cannot prove Religions by science, and if you are not a Christian, why are you here? ( No offence ) Isn't this a Christian forum?

Jango, check out the disclaimer at the top of the forum. This forum is for religious debate for anyone in general, Christians and non-Christians alike. Debate is what strengthens our faith (if we're Christians) and is quite welcome.

And, if you can't tell, Eon's not a Christian
. Use your interaction here as a chance to grow!
I see. Sorry if I broke a rule, and sorry if I offended you. I am just very sensitive about my religion.
no harm no foul. It's a great thing to be sensitive about your religion, as long as it's constructive and not destructive. Destructive sensitivity kills our Christian witness.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Vanaze @ Feb. 13 2004,2:17)]A thought on the actual topic at hand, though...

Everyday we see miracles. The way humans walk is a miracle -- we're phsyically imperfect and according to the laws of physics, we should all be falling over everywhere we go.

Water being formed into droplets of gas then falling into rain is yet another miracle.

Perhaps this is why our society has fallen into a degrading state of existence, because we've taken the miracles out of everyday life.

I find it a miracle that I didn't die on the way home today from class, some nutcase nearly hit me, only reason he didn't is because he ran off the road into a parking lot. Good timing on that, too, because a semi had just moved out of the way. Huh.

gg God.

You're not very hard to impress.. =\
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Jango @ Feb. 27 2004,12:05)]Religions are all based on faith alone. You cannot prove Religions by science, and if you are not a Christian, why are you here? ( No offence ) Isn't this a Christian forum?
Wow, I'm willing to bet that many of your Christian peers here would disagree with you. You take your religion soley on faith, huh? Interesting.

So tell me, how did you choose to put your faith in Christianity, rather than Islam, or Hinduism, et al? Why is Christianity correct, and why should anyone believe in it over anything else? Mind you, you must make no rational argument in your defense, as to do so would clash with your profession of "faith alone".
we don't have to be Christian to post here, as long as we are respectful. This is a place where non-believers can ask us questions or share how their faith is similar or different