Saturday Feb 12 Event - ???


Legacy of Elijah Guild Leader
Anybody have any plans for Saturday event? I know it's also V-Day weekend, so some folks might be out and about.

To those who are planning to be around - anything in particular you want to beat?
Oh.. Valentines Day!!

See.. as a history major I was thinking VJ/VE Day. And got really confused, cause the war didn't end in February..
That's romantic Orry. Lets go to the place where dead people are and kill demons.
Agreed. I usually celebrate Anti-V-Day with my youth. -_- Black, broken hearts, cookie dough, ice cream, and an action movie. Haha.

If I'm on, I'd totally be up for trying UW. It would be my first time though and so I might need a touch of babying if everyone's ok with that.
Do you know what time you are looking at for Saturday? I could do something in the late afternoon or early evening.

I need to do UW. I also need to do the last part of DoA to finish it up.
Valentine's Day is the 14th y'all. And I checked with the mah honey to see if she would be ok with me doing an event on the 12th, and she said, "I reckon." So as long as we are in the evening sometime Ursina would love to come along, if y'all can handle a permanoob with the team.
Ursina is not a permanoob - Ursen may be, but Ursina is not.

Didn't Ursina create the character Ursen? lol
Oh and also throwing this out there, especially as folks move forward with more events as time goes on:

This schedule should be accurate each week unless something weird happens. There are a lot of good ideas here for events.

Between now and Saturday I see:
Frostmaw (Frostmaw's Burrows)
The Greater Darkness (DoA/Ravenhart Gloom)
Destruction's Depths

For next week:
The Darknesses (Tomb of Primeval Kings)
Forgewight (Slaver's Exile)

Week after:
Rragar Maneater (Rragar's Menagerie)
Lord Jadoth (DoA/City)
The Iron Forgeman (Sorrow's Furnace)

Outside of "event" type stuff, there is a lot here with missions, smaller events, etc. I'm wanting to work on HM hero's handbook for my rit, so I'd be up for any of those. I'd recommend folks start using the forums and getting people together for these, because it seems to be much easier to get folks together when a zaishen quest is involved.
Thanks for that website - just loaded that one into my Guild Wars favorites folder.
As far as time goes, I think the consensus is that 8:30 EST works the best; the goal is just to have the same bat time/bat channel each week so that folks aren't confused about what's happening when.

Of course, that's what the forums are for. :) Who else does Friday work better for this week? Or both? Honestly, I'm not sure I'll be able to make either, so no preference here.
If there's room for an old alliance friend, I'd be up for a UW clear. I'm not sure what this "valentine's day" of which you speak is....I'm familiar with the holiday on the 16th...Discounted Chocolate Day.
Of course AJ!! (annnnd I just had to get sick with fever, sore throat, nausea, headache.... GRRRRRRRRR) so I hope I can be there QQ