Salvation at the lybrary


New Member
hey all. So my local lybrary is doing a summer reading program, where you read and record your hours then trun youh hours into the lybrary. Well the lybrarians have us tell them about the books we read, so my friend had a good idea to read th salvation message, then the lybrarians will ask about what we read, and will explain the salvation message
So please keep us in your prayers as we go witness to our lybrarians.

God bless
jeez eryn you and your friends are so cool and are are just so umm i cant think that is just totally awesome
Thanks, I'm hoping it will work, and that we'll be able to say the right things. But I read this verse today about how not to worry what I'm gonna say, that God will provide the words. So I'm going with that.
Eryn u & ur friends are da bomb! It takes true courage and knowledge to actually step up to the public and announce Christianity and God's word. If any negative replies come, do not be discouraged, we are with u in our hearts
Gl Hf