

Active Member
With so many changes I will be returning to Stone maul after the 25th. I will be seeing about playing with my pally or re rolling a druid again. As is my calling in life, LOL least wow wise, but you never know.

Just to let you know

just so you can be ready with the witting conversation and smug comebacks
Thanks, I was seriously thinking of rolling another Druid, but after last night and giving everyone’s suggestions a shot, I am leaning on leveling Toadgirl. She can heal, and tank so, it does the same end as a druid (DRUIDS STILL COOLER) but 10 levels bet 70 any day.

So once I get her where she needs to be I will look are resurrecting Papa,

Who was and still is

the Greatest druid who ever lived!

So I have some things to finish up on my other PT this weekend but I will be off and on and then on Toadgirl come next week, LFG to learn how to tank in a group

Again thanks all