Real Life Levelling


So I'm back now after having been away for too long due to illness and surgery, and now as I recover I have a unique opportunity to conscientiously reshape myself into what I want to be, or rather prayerfully and conscientiously reshape myself into what God wants me to be.

Towards this goal I made myself a system using what I know best -- gaming! Specifically I created a "custom class" for myself based more or less on Elder Scrolls style levelling.

Considering myself to be starting as a Level 1 Christian I identified several core abilities I felt important to progress in and gave them all a line on a page in a notebook with checkbox places after each to record "points" gained in each ability. As I go throughout each day doing necessary household survival tasks, I make sure to work in at least a couple points here and there as I can, and when I get through accumulating the desired number of points in each skill I will consider myself to have achieved Level 2 and turn the page to prayerfully consider the next skill point set to achieve and continue onward.

If anyone is curious, my Level 1 skill set looks like this:

Bible Reading
Bible Study
Learning Psalms & Hymns
Church Attendance/Service
Mandarin Chinese (the majority language of my neighborhood)
Reinforcing Math Skills
Physical Strenthening
Art for Communication & Game Programming
Computer Programming
Game Design
Strengthening Home Business
and some other things pertaining to relationship-building with my husband and son.

I have been doing this for a month now and am already halfway through the page, and I can actually feel the progress within myself so it is becoming more than just points on paper! Maybe it might seem a little silly and childish, but I've spent a long time feeling very weak and ineffective for the Lord so I am very excited to have something that is actually working to overcome this. :)
Nothing wrong with feeling "childish", we are all God's children, right? Plus, "childish" is a term relative to the world's definition. God want you to be free to be who you are as long as it is not in opposition to His word (1 Cor 7:20).

God is the greatest Father who is interested in us and how we work and what we like. God is good!

God bless your efforts,