Raiding/Loot Changes in Cataclysm Raids


We're continuing to refine the raid progression paths in Cataclysm, and we'd like to share some of those changes with you today. Please enjoy!

The first of the refinements being made is that we're combining all raid sizes and difficulties into a single lockout. Unlike today, 10- and 25-player modes of a single raid will share the same lockout. You can defeat each raid boss once per week per character. In other words, if you wanted to do both a 10- and 25-person raid in a single week, you’d need to do so on two different characters. Normal versus Heroic mode will be chosen on a per-boss basis in Cataclysm raids, the same way it works in Icecrown Citadel. Obviously the raid lockout change doesn't apply in pure Icecrown terms though, as this change goes hand-in-hand with a few other changes to raid progression in Cataclysm.

We're designing and balancing raids so that the difficulty between 10- and 25-player versions of each difficulty will be as close as possible to each other as we can achieve. That closeness in difficulty also means that we'll have bosses dropping the same items in 10- and 25-player raids of each difficulty. They'll have the same name and same stats; they are in fact the exact same items. Choosing Heroic mode will drop a scaled-up version of those items. Our hope is that players will be able to associate bosses with their loot tables and even associate specific artwork with specific item names to a far greater extent than today.

Dungeon Difficulty and Rewards
10- and 25-player (normal difficulty) -- Very similar to one another in difficulty; drop the exact same items as each other.
10- and 25-player (Heroic difficulty) -- Very similar to one another in difficulty; drop more powerful versions of the normal-difficulty items.

We of course recognize the logistical realities of organizing larger groups of people, so while the loot quality will not change, 25-player versions will drop a higher quantity of loot per player (items, but also badges, and even gold), making it a more efficient route if you're able to gather the people. The raid designers are designing encounters with these changes in mind, and the class designers are making class changes to help make 10-person groups easier to build. Running 25-player raids will be a bit more lucrative, as should be expected, but if for a week or two you need to do 10s because half the guild is away on vacation, you can do that and not suffer a dramatic loss to your ability to get the items you want.

We recognize that very long raids can be a barrier for some players, but we also want to provide enough encounters for the experience to feel epic. For the first few raid tiers, our plan is to provide multiple smaller raids. Instead of one raid with eleven bosses, you might have a five-boss raid as well as a six-boss raid. All of these bosses would drop the same item level gear, but the dungeons themselves being different environments will provide some variety in location and visual style, as well as separate raid lockouts. Think of how you could raid Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep separately, but you might still want to hit both every week.

We do like how gating bosses over time allows the community to focus on individual encounters instead of just racing to the end boss, so we’re likely to keep that design moving forward. We don't plan to impose attempt limitations again though, except maybe in cases of rare optional bosses (like Algalon). Heroic mode may not be open from day one, but will become available after defeating normal mode perhaps as little as once or twice.

In terms of tuning, we want groups to be able to jump into the first raids pretty quickly, but we also don’t want them to overshadow the Heroic 5-player dungeons and more powerful quest rewards. We’ll be designing the first few raid zones assuming that players have accumulated some blue gear from dungeons, crafted equipment, or quest rewards. In general, we want you and your guild members to participate in and enjoy the level up experience.

We design our raids to be accessible to a broad spectrum of players, so we want groups to be able to make the decision about whether to attempt the normal or Heroic versions of raids pretty quickly. The goal with all of these changes is to make it as much of a choice or effect of circumstance whether you raid as a group of 10 or as a group of 25 as possible. Whether you're a big guild or a small guild the choice won't be dependent on what items drop, but instead on what you enjoy the most.

We realize that with any changes to progression pathways there are going to be questions. We're eagerly awaiting any that we may have left unanswered. To the comments!
I can see us just sending multiple ten man groups if the rewards are no better on 25m. We need to just wait and see how the other rewards play out (more loot dropping/gold/other stuff).

We have a hard time getting 25m continuations, but we seem to do well getting 10 people to come back for a continuation.
I think it's Blizzard addressing that for a fair amount of guilds that organizing 25 players is much harder than 10, therefore people won't have to be doing 25 man pugs to get pieces that they want because it's only available in there (the toc 25 trinkets come to mind) and from that regards they would have to share the same lockout as to prevent pseudo-farming of pieces, I think.

It's kind of a hit to major raiding guilds who can pull 25+ people together easily, but much better for alot of other guilds who struggle to get that many together and are forced to just settle for bodies to come along, because I certainly don't want to be carrying others in a 25 man raid.

The loot amounts they said will be more efficient in a 25 man raid than a 10 so I think it'll be fine depending on exact numbers.
Blizzards way of saying " If you want to raid more, lvl more toons and play longer AND GIVE US MORE MONEY $$ " :p I don't like it but ill wait to see I guess
Blizz is just good at knowing where the money comes from. Do you listen to the elite 10% that wants super hard, hardcore, 40 man raids that take 15 hours to complete? or do you listen to the 80ish % that really like short, compact 10 man raids that they can do on their night off or over the weekend with friends?
I can see us just sending multiple ten man groups if the rewards are no better on 25m. We need to just wait and see how the other rewards play out (more loot dropping/gold/other stuff).

We have a hard time getting 25m continuations, but we seem to do well getting 10 people to come back for a continuation.
Blizz addressed this...

Regarding how the raid dungeons will share the same lockout. This means that you cannot do separate instances in the same week. If you defeat an encounter in 10 player normal mode then you are locked to the 10 player mode of that dungeon for that week and can flip between 10 player normal and 10 player heroic on a per boss basis (assuming heroic is available). In this scenario you cannot do the 25 player version. Is this correct?

Correct. There should be no circumstances under which you kill a boss more than once per week on the same character. However, in the same way that you can decide on a per-boss basis whether to try normal vs. hard mode, we might allow you to change between 10 and 25 on a per-encounter basis for additional flexibility. If you started a raid in 25-player mode and then found that you couldn’t get everyone together later in the week, you might be able to downsize the next few bosses to 10-player.
yeah I'm not liking this. For myself I don't have a problem with pugging things and I like knowing getting into a 25 man means getting better loot. Restricting one character to either a 10 or 25 man for the same raid doesn't sound fun...I don't think the reward is high enough to motivate people to gather a 25 man. They said you'd get more loot drops gold and something else but they're not any better items than 10 mans and gold is easy to get so I doubt many pugs will be put together. Why put a 25 man pug together that may potentially have more of the same class that you are that want your loot come and roll on your gear that wouldnt be any better in a 10 man anyways?

on the flip side, right now Redeemed does a lot more 10 mans than 25 mans...and we get a lot further in 10 mans than 25 so I think it'll be a good thing for us. I enjoying pugs though so I'm going to miss that.
the 25 mans is a good way for more of us to be together for fellowship. that i REALLY lilke.

the 10 mans have been a way for us to push deeper into progression, which i also like.

we had the best of both, now that may be gone. except, if they are saying you can then swap your 25 to a 10 man to continue it may come out the same if we do the 25 man on Tues, then drop to 10 mans on Thur like we usually do. where we will run into a lock out it seems is if we don't get enough on Tues for our 25 man, and have to do our 10 mans then.
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Also, I'm still going to stand on this limb and say that, on an individual to individual basis, 10 man is still more difficult than 25. The only reason 25 is harder is because you will inevitably have more people not paying attention and/or not listening. However, assuming each individual is equally awake, prepared, and competent, 10 man is still harder.

I understand the logistical side of putting together a 25 man is more difficult, but it really already seems very balanced to me. I just don't buy the crap that people like EJ and Ensidia try to feed the world that 10 man raids aren't legit and 25 is soooooo much harder.
Also, I'm still going to stand on this limb and say that, on an individual to individual basis, 10 man is still more difficult than 25. The only reason 25 is harder is because you will inevitably have more people not paying attention and/or not listening. However, assuming each individual is equally awake, prepared, and competent, 10 man is still harder.

I understand the logistical side of putting together a 25 man is more difficult, but it really already seems very balanced to me. I just don't buy the crap that people like EJ and Ensidia try to feed the world that 10 man raids aren't legit and 25 is soooooo much harder.
I'm going to disagree that 10 is "harder" than 25, unless you by 10 you man 10 man heroic compared to 25 man regular. The only basis you have to say that 25 is harder than 10 is that people are not paying attention/listening or whatnot but that is a very significant reason that 25 is harder than 10.

Doing 25 mans successfully usually requires all 25 people to be equal to or at least close to the caliber as the top raiders in there. I mean if there's 2 or 3 people not pulling their weight it's quite a strain to the raid in general.

I say that 10 man is easier because if you pull the highest quality raiders together the difference between them is minimal, but for 25 man groups the gap could be substantially bigger and punish you for it which is why 25 is harder because you'd need 25 "veteran" quality players to go through the content. You may not buy what Paragon, Ensidia or other top guilds claim that 25 is soooo much harder than 10, but it actually is and probably another real legitimate reason that is is that with greater numbers of people there is a higher percentage of variability in it. Some examples:

Blood Queen: It's easy to have 10 people spread out easily during the bloodbolt whirl but try getting 25 people to coordinate and not kill each other.
Blood Council: getting 25 people to position to not knock each other back, though the room is bigger.
Festergut: Gear check for 25 rather than 10
Lick King: Defile & Infest are probably enough reasons for him being harder in 25 than 10, but pretty much all of his abilities just makes it more painful than 10.

I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I believe 25 is harder than 10.
Currently a lot of fights are harder on 10 man... You can look at some world firsts and even with much better gear available through 25 mans sometimes 10 man bosses go down after their 25 man counterparts. This isn't always true, but there's much less room for error in a 10 man environment. In 25 mans you can carry people that may not know exactly what to do, and if they die... oh well, you can still succeed. If you lose someone on 10 man without a Rebirth it's probably going to be a wipe. Look at our first Saurfang kills... 10 man was rough, wipe after wipe. We killed him on 25 man on our FIRST TRY EVER. Yes we had some practice on 10 man, but some people there had never seen that boss.

The fact that 264 gear exists means 10 mans will be easier than intended and that's why people think it's "faceroll". They are balanced around the assumption that everyone is wearing 232 gear coming in. If they can balance 10 man difficulty off the assumption that everyone has the same gear from the previous tier then the difficulty should be much closer.

To me there's plenty of incentive to put together a 25 man under the new system. Let's take VOA as an example...

Do I want to run VOA on 10 man or 25 this week?

10 man - 2 drops that could be something I need, prob less competition though.
25 man - 6 drops that could be something I need, MAYBE more competition.

Personally I'd rather be in a raid where I had more chance of my item dropping even if I had to roll for it.
I'll take a contrarian view on this ... the whole WotLK 10/25 split in my mind created an artificial redundancy and inflated gear availability. The idea of weekly instance locks is about creating scarcity of pfat lewts. But it also has a benefit of helping (forcing?) players to moderate their playing time. When you end up doing both ... it starts to create a baseline time expectation that's kind large but also devalues the gear.

I think the idea of the 10/25 split with WotLK wsa to make raid more accessible. 40-mans were seen as too hard and cut down to 25 in TBC. But then TBC was variably hard ... rather than just dumping 25's WotLK took the approach of 10 AND 25 availability. This did make raiding more accessible to smaller guilds ... but for the hardcore players, it kinda pushes you in the direction of running the same raid twice every week (once with 10, once with 25) ... at least until the 10 gear becomes irrelevant.

Replacing that "and" with an "or" maintains the accessibility, but reduces the inflation and redundancy. Makes raiding less "grind-ey".

Granted ... there's an organizational problem if, Tuesday night, only 11 people show up and you run a 10-man ... but then 30 people show up Friday and 10 of them are already locked to the 10-man. On the flipside ... if you run a 25 on Tuesday but then only 15 of those people are available on Friday, then you can't continue the 25 or start a new 10. That's clear downside. But frankly if in the Classic days this issue was manageable with a 40-man raid, and in the BC raids that was manageable with a 25-man raid ... I don't see it being too awfully onerous. It may mean less "pre-raid mulling around dead time" trying to fill a raid and a quicker "no raid / go do heroics" decision, which would be goodness imo.
Side note...

I hope they make leveling faster since they are locking you into 1 raid a week on your main. People will want to run alts a lot more. I hope running alts isn't as frowned upon as now though (at least in guild runs).
They've already made leveling easier and faster. They doubled xp gain as well as putting heirlooms in the game.
They've already made leveling easier and faster. They doubled xp gain as well as putting heirlooms in the game.

I still dread leveling another character, especially when you consider having to go all the way to 85 to participate in what I enjoy.