Questions about Tribe of Judah staff positions

And... I shouldn't have said "last updated." I forgot that edits do not get reflected in the post thing date. The last update could have been a week ago for all I know. Oops. Sorry.
No worries. :)

Just let me and Elihu know if you decide to apply for a staff position. If there's nothing that catches your interest but you still want to help, contact us anyway and we'll find a way to put you to work.
No worries. :)

Just let me and Elihu know if you decide to apply for a staff position. If there's nothing that catches your interest but you still want to help, contact us anyway and we'll find a way to put you to work.
Can and will do. I have an idea of what I want to do, but I'm working on a side/personal project first for the sake of demonstrating my usefulness. Should have it ready to roll in the near future.
does PS3 group need any help?

I am interesting in helping! I have reviewed the "openings" and there isn't anything that really catches my eye. I generally have a lot of time however, I do have a job that requires me to drop what I'm doing and go at a seconds notice (e.g., I'm on one hour notice to move for any major incident in eastern Canada.) I'm in the field for 2-4 weeks every couple months. If anything REALLY needs to get done administratively I'm sure I could get my wife to help out.
I am interesting in helping! I have reviewed the "openings" and there isn't anything that really catches my eye. I generally have a lot of time however, I do have a job that requires me to drop what I'm doing and go at a seconds notice (e.g., I'm on one hour notice to move for any major incident in eastern Canada.) I'm in the field for 2-4 weeks every couple months. If anything REALLY needs to get done administratively I'm sure I could get my wife to help out.

Major incidents in Canada? You should have tons of free time then! :)
We most definitely could use help in our console forums. Kendrik, who had previously served as our Newsletter Editor-in-Chief and Console Forums Manager, recently resigned to focus on school.

If you're interested in helping organize and stir up activity in our PS3/PSP forum, please let me know and I'll be in touch.
I think I would enjoy that. I leave to goto the field tomorrow morning; I believe I return between December 2nd and the 7th. Let me know what the position all entails and we shall discuss this matter further when I return.
but not before I shower three times, eat real food and sleep straight for 12 hours. :D
I think I would enjoy that. I leave to goto the field tomorrow morning; I believe I return between December 2nd and the 7th. Let me know what the position all entails and we shall discuss this matter further when I return.
but not before I shower three times, eat real food and sleep straight for 12 hours. :D
Managing the PS3 chapter forum would mostly involve moderating the ToJ PlayStation Forum, creating new threads to encourage activity, and optionally (emphasis on the "optionally") posting the occasional recruiting thread outside ToJ forums.

Travel safely and let me know when you get back from your field assignment. We'll chat then. :)
Okay, I'm back and settled a bit. I believe managing the PS3 chapter forum sounds do able. If I could get a walk through talk through on how to do everything that is required of me, that would be great! and does that put me in charge of the ps3 chapter or just their forums?
Okay, I'm back and settled a bit. I believe managing the PS3 chapter forum sounds do able. If I could get a walk through talk through on how to do everything that is required of me, that would be great! and does that put me in charge of the ps3 chapter or just their forums?
We actually reorganized our efforts to reach console gamers earlier this year. Instead of keeping the chapters as they were, we shifted to three forums (Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo) and appointed one staff member to moderate all three. That staff member has since resigned, leaving our console forums without active moderators.

Taking charge of the PlayStation Forum would mean moderating posts and threads, organizing content (e.g. sticking important threads, closing threads when necessary), promoting forums activity, and, if your schedule permits, promoting the ToJ PS Forum on other forums that allow recruiting.

Elihu, ToJ's Staff Manager, and I would handle the tasks involved with equipping you as a new staff member, so no need to be concerned with that. As with many ToJ staff positions, you'll learn mostly as you go and you won't be micromanaged. (It's just not my style. :))

Any other questions? Or are you ready to sign up as our new PlayStation Forum Moderator? :)
Sign me up! If I have more questions, I'll let you know.
Roger that!

I've asked Elihu to get you set up as our new PlayStation Forum Leader. If he's unavailable to do so (his business gets REALLY busy in December), I'll take care of the changes later this week.

Welcome to ToJ staff!

What say we celebrate with a game of Castle Crashers? :D