"Quake 4 demo" or "Why did no one tell me about this?!"

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
So apparently id Software released a demo for Quake 4 last November and I never heard about it.

Download it from id Software (scroll to the bottom of their home page for a direct download link) or snag the torrent from 3D Gamers and download it using your BitTorrent client.

I'm counting on you all to keep me in the loop! Maybe I should pick out a few volunteers to post important gaming news to the ToJ front page...
Tek7 said:
I'm counting on you all to keep me in the loop! Maybe I should pick out a few volunteers to post important gaming news to the ToJ front page...

I'd be willing do that. I keep up with the new games and mods with gamespy emails all the time, along with news and new hardware.
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Let me know when you want to try it. I've played 10-20 hours of 1v1s in Q4 so I know some pretty cool tricks.
Tek7 said:
I'm counting on you all to keep me in the loop! Maybe I should pick out a few volunteers to post important gaming news to the ToJ front page...

I would be able to do that...
Talon said:
I'd be willing do that. I keep up with the new games and mods with gamespy emails all the time, along with news and new hardware.
[toj.cc]phantom said:
I would be able to do that...
Can you guys send me an e-mail? Address is tek7 AT toj DOT cc. I'll handle the paperwork. :D
Finally installed it the other day, but I can't run it any higher than 640x480 with low details. :/

Not much in there to make me go "oo" and "ah" really, the gameplay only so-so, but I'm only 20 mins or so into it. Half-Life 2 spoiled me I think, when it comes to my expectations of single player FPSs.

I tried out the multiplayer and that was pretty cool, definitely more "Quake" than the single player...but aside from being able to shoot rockets through portals or send grenades flying across the map on jump pads, there's not much here that would make me want to play it more than, say, Quake III.