Private Chat Channel


New Member
In the interests of making it easier to keep in touch for members who aren't in the legion yet as well as for alts, UXZero set up a private chat channel. To join the channel, type:

/join Elect toj

("toj" is the password). This should automatically add the channel to your chat tab, so you can then type "/channelinformation" to find out what channel number it was assigned to.

To speak in that channel type

/[number] [message]

If nothing shows in your chat window, right-click on the chat tab and go into the tab options, expand "Channels", and make sure the channel number is checked. You can also change the color of text for this channel here.
The channel is open as long as the person who made it is logged it. We will do our best to keep up.

I will be logged in for most of today, an have the channel open or you can whisper me.