Prayer Request


I go Monday morning at 7am Central to let the doctors have a look into my heart. My stress test showed a dead place at the bottom of my heart and they wanna check it out a little closer. Its possible that I have had a heart attack. I don't feel bad or hurt.

The heart is a notoriously inefficient pump. It only squeezes out blood at about a 55-60% efficiency rate when its healthy. Mine is pumping 43%. Not bad but enough to cause the doctors concern.

They will go into an artery in my groin and insert a fiber-optic cable. it will snake thru the blood vessel all the way into my heart. They will put dye in there to see what the cause is and what the best way to treat it is.

It is doubtfull that I will be on GW Monday....well, perhaps in time for PvP late that night but we will have to see.

I would really appreciate you calling my name out to The Lord.
We will be praying for you brother that God will give the doctors wisdom and you protection and healing.

Psams 138:7-8
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life...with your right hand you save me. The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord endures forever - do not abandon the works of your hands.
Back home. I have some blockage and they will do an angioplasty next week and put a stint in. All went well except for all the needle sticks. I'm a baby when it comes to needles. Thank you all for the prayers.
Glad to hear that everything went OK and that it is nothing too serious. Sadly, I too am scared of needles. I will keep you in my prayers. Please keep us updated!
Halonic said:
Back home. I have some blockage and they will do an angioplasty next week and put a stint in. All went well except for all the needle sticks. I'm a baby when it comes to needles. Thank you all for the prayers.
Not to make light of it, but angioplasty + stint is one of the best things you could have hoped for, aside from Divine healing. It's still fairly serious (anything to do with your ticker is), but I'm glad to see that it's a minimal risk procedure that you'll be having.

Guess you'll have to lay off the pork rinds and corn chips for a while, eh?

Kidding aside, still praying.