Prayer Request (which hopefully becomes a praise)


New Member
Hey all,

I know I haven't really shared much about this kind of thing with everyone, I'm kinda shy most of the time. Here goes:

I've been trying to get a better job for about 5 months. After what feels like hundreds of job applications and no responses other than the sales jobs that the people from careerbuilder insist I would be great for I got a phone call today. Sadly I missed it, but they left a message and when I got it I called immediately. Sadly, they missed my call (it was after hours, so I'll give them this one), but I left a message saying that I was definitely interested in hearing more about the position.

If you all could keep me in your prayers I'd really appreciate it. With the baby on the way (my wife hits 5 months tomorrow), student loans, and other general expenses we're on a pretty tight budget and it doesn't help that my income is variable because I'm a contract laborer who doesn't get paid unless people show up to receive my services (I'm a therapist, I don't know if I've ever shared that). I work retail on the side to shore up the bank account a bit, but that's minimum wage. I'm really praying that this opportunity will help me and my wife out in more ways than one (me for my career, my wife for her overall sense of financial well-being and security, and us for my abilities to provide for the fam.)

Another request that I have is that my best friend at works mother in law went in to the hospital this morning. It doesn't look good from what I've heard, so if you could pray for the Wilsons I'd appreciate it and I know they would too.

Thanks for your support all!
