Praise, and upcoming prayer

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Okay, I came over from My wife and I are feeling that we are going to be moving to TN before the year is up. We have been looking for a job for me in that area for about 5 months now. We know that we can not do this by our might, not by our power; it is only by God's. Saturday a recruiter from a large company in my wife's area called me about a position. Monday he called back, and set up a phone interview with a hiring manager. I just finished that phone interview. I felt it went really well. I also know that I could do this job; and to sweeten the deal for the company have told them I am willing to pay my own relocation costs from Seattle to Memphis. We have been praying about the interview for a few days; and praise be to God it went good; and I had a real peace.

They hope to get back to me in a week at the earliest. If they choose me to go on, in the process, then they will fly me out there for two face to face interviews. So our prayer request is that they will want to bring me in for a face to face; and that would go well too.

Thank you,and God bless.
Smiles yippy you finally posted here. Sorry but I am pleased. I have already got you added to the prayer newsletter from last week, but we will keep praying for God's Guidance and His timing and for you to do what's best in His plan. Blessings,"Angel"

Thank you so much
Just an update. We have not received any word on this. Neither positive, or negative. I am encouraged that nothing negative has come
I sent an email off on Friday to the recruiter to see if he had heard anything on my status. Seeings how it had been over 3 weeks. I got an email back from the recruiter yesterday that no hiring decisions have been made as of yet. The hiring manager is interviewing other candidates at this time. So I am still encouraged that I am still in the running
Take a few minutes and write a real thank you note. You know the ones you send by first class mail. Sometimes graciousness will win over other things because it shows your interest and also show your willingness etc. Just my opinion and if its a bit of a creative type of a job send a creative thank you. Just my opinion. Still praying for God's Guidance and His wonderful blessings for you. Blessings,"Angel"
Thank you. Thats a good idea. The only problem is I don't have an email or address. She called me. I suppose I could send it to the recruiter and ask it to be passed along. Do you think it would matter that I waited 3-4 weeks to send a thank you?
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