Praise and Prayer Request


New Member
Some time back I requested prayer as my wife and I were searching for a new church home for our family. Well praise God, he has led us to that place. We officially became members today but have already been asked to help with the youth ministry and several other projects in the Church. It's really as if we've been going there for years. We prayed alot about this and I know you all prayed for us as well and we feel that God has a work for us to do here. Please keep us in your prayers that this will be revealed to us. I also am the Administrator of the County Jail here and the head Chaplain has asked me to serve on the board of advisors for a new ministry that will reach out to repeat inmates and help them turn their lives around for Jesus. Please keep this ministry in your prayers also. I know this is alot and for that I apologize, but I really believe in the power of prayer and praise, so thanks for reading and praying and PRAISE JESUS!!!!
WOW could you put your praise part in the rainbow and mustard seed section for us. Also we will keep praying for God's will. Blessings,"Angel"
What a tremendous blessing! Thank you for sharing the answer with us! Truly it encourages me to pray even more! God is so good! I love seeing the Word in action and this is truly as He promises above and beyond what we could ask or think. I continue to pray for your ministries, and congratulations in the LORD! What a wonderful soul winning opportunity!