Pally tanks and the rule of 102.4% macro!


Active Member
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Need 102.4 combat table coverage. Currently at: "..string.format("%.2f", GetDodgeChance()+GetBlockChance()+GetParryChance() +5))

make this macro and spam it as you like.
It will tell you where you are in approaching the coveted 102.4% avoidance.

If you don't know what 102.4% is all about, you really should be reading the Elitest jerks threads on pally tanking if you are planning on being a raid Pally tank. :)

From under the Reforging and you section
The Rule of 102.4%
Where is this 102.4% number coming from? The number represents your total avoidance...

BM = Base Miss chance of 5%, DC = Dodge Chance as displayed on your character, PC = Parry Chance as displayed on your character, BC = Block Chance as displayed on your character

If you are wondering where Holy Shield is remember that the talent has been changed to provide a bonus to block damage reduction instead of block chance.

The whole section (good reading)

Reforging & You
Now for a word or two about reforging. Reforging will allow you to shift stats around on gear to (hopefully) optimize your build by moving 40% of a secondary stat to another (even not present stat) on the same item. What does this mean for tanking Paladins? Now that blocks are no longer a fixed amount of mitigation but instead reduced damage by a certain percentage it is in our interest to try to block as much as possible. As such we want to reach the 102.4% total avoidance threshold that we have aimed for in the past. This pushes regular hits off the table so that any physical hit has to come through a block. Given that tanking Paladins should be reforging for Mastery as much as possible. Note though that is it unlikely you will be able to reach the 102.4% threshold early in Cataclysm. Until post 359 item level gear and epic gems are available ratings will be too low. Regardless, you want to get as close are you possibly can to the 102.4% threshold.

Do not forget that gemming and enchanting can add to secondary stats so keep in mind your gemming and enchanting choices when reforging and vise-versa.

The Rule of 102.4%
Where is this 102.4% number coming from? The number represents your total avoidance...

102.4 = BM + DC + PC + BC

BM = Base Miss chance of 5%, DC = Dodge Chance as displayed on your character, PC = Parry Chance as displayed on your character, BC = Block Chance as displayed on your character

If you are wondering where Holy Shield is remember that the talent has been changed to provide a bonus to block damage reduction instead of block chance.

Don't Go Crazy
Do not reforge into Mastery at the expense of everything else. Keep in mind that reaching the hit cap and the expertise soft cap (26 expertise) are very important as well. Also going beyond the block cap is a waste. Once you hit that 102.4% threshold you have to stop. Any additional block serves absolutely no purpose. Also once your reach 102.4% be careful to balance dodge/parry correctly. Dodge and parry occur before block on the hit table so if you end up having too much dodge/parry you push more block chances off the hit table.

Reforging Tips
  • If you are unable reach 26 Expertise with SoT glyph and racial abilities reforge—in this order—haste, crit, parry, dodge, mastery, hit into expertise.
  • If you have at least 26 Expertise with SoT glyph and racial abilities reforge—in this order—haste, crit, parry, dodge, mastery into hit. (NOTE: Never reforge expertise into hit unless you are well past 55 expertise.)
  • If you have at least 26 Expertise with SoT glyph and racial abilities and are hit capped reforge—in this order—haste, crit, parry, dodge, excess hit into mastery. Continue to follow this rule until you reach the 102.4% block cap. IMPORTANT: When reforging from dodge/parry make sure to reforge from the stat that has the most rating since it will be the stat suffering from the most diminishing returns.
  • Once you have hit the 102.4% block cap and are hit and soft expertise capped then all excess stats should be funneled into expertise.
  • You should never be reforging into the following stats... haste, crit, parry or dodge.

Why am I reforging this way?
The reforging (and gearing) strategy are aimed toward maximizing mastery to maximize your block chance. This is important for Paladins because being block capped smooths out the rate of incoming damage, reduces damage spikes, and makes it easier for your healers.
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